Hi Bug-APL,
It appears that this script works if FILE_IO is not copied in. When the FILE_IO is copied in, it appears that the cgi script runs but prints the HTML to the page. Is FILE_IO 's existence in the program make the script run under different conditions? (or is it possible there is something wrong in the non-APL part of the CGI interaction, in which case I'll troubleshoot elsewhere.)
#!/usr/local/bin/apl --script --
0 0 ⍴ ⍎')COPY /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5/FILE_IO.apl'
0 0 ⍴ ⍎')COPY 5 HTML'
xTITLE←'You got here!'
yBODY←(,¨'{}') ⎕INP 'END-OF-⎕INP'
HTML∆emit HTML∆Document