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Re: [Bug-apl] [bug] problem with simple code

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] [bug] problem with simple code
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2016 19:31:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0

Hi Alexey,

make clean

before make

has the same effect. If you have the autotools installed (looks like you have) then the
following should work as well:

make develop

/// Jürgen

On 02/27/2016 07:03 PM, Alexey Veretennikov wrote:

I've just removed local version and checked out again. Did ./configure
and make, and the bug still there.
I cannot build with "make develop" since it complains about absense of
aclocal-1.14 (I have aclocal installed).

However I'm compiling and running on OSX 10.10.5

Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Alexey,

Hm, it works on my machine. Did you recently upgrade from SVN?
It can happen that changes in header files are not detected if ./configure is called without arguments
and then the sources are uodated from SVN, Please try the following:

make clean develop

and see if the problem remains.

/// Jürgen

On 02/27/2016 12:26 AM, Alexey Veretennikov wrote:


I'm studying the paper http://archive.vector.org.uk/art10501380

Here defined 3 functions:
⍝ simple sort

R←∇triples N;all;i
⍝ All possible triples of numbers 1..9

⍝ remove those triples which contain repeating entries or not unique
clean←{ ∪Sort¨ ({⍵≡∪⍵}¨⍵)/⍵ }

And then try to run
clean triples 4
lead to crash(assertion).
Version APL: 1.5 / 696,
Workspace attached.

The assert log below:

Assertion failed: 0
in Function:      init
in file:          Cell.cc:48

Call stack:

-- Stack trace at Cell.cc:48
0x0 @@@@
0xa  @@@@
0xa   @@@@
0xa    @@@@
0xa     @@@@
0xa      @@@@
0xa       @@@@
0xa        @@@@
0xa         @@@@
0xa          @@@@
0xa           @@@@
0xa            @@@@
0xa             @@@@

SI stack:

Depth:    4
Exec:     0x7fe663500dd0
Safe ex:  no
Pmode:    ∇ clean[1]
PC:       12 ENDL


-- Stack trace at main.cc:63
0x0 @@@@
0xa  @@@@
0xa   @@@@
0xa    @@@@
0xa     @@@@
0xa      @@@@
0xa       @@@@
0xa        @@@@
0xa         @@@@
0xa          @@@@
0xa           @@@@
0xa            @@@@
0xa             @@@@
0xa              @@@@
0xa               @@@@
0x0                @@@@
0x0                 @@@@
0xa                  @@@@


Process apl exited abnormally with code 3


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