⍶ is the left argument to a monadic or dyadic operator that takes a function as an argument AND one or two actual arguments. ⍹ is the right (optional) second argument. Keep in mind that these can also be data, not just a function.
A couple of other examples: -foldleft 1 2 3 4 5 <—> 1-(2-(3-(4-5))) <—> ¯2 -foldright 1 2 3 4 5 <—> (((1-2)-3)-4)-5 <—> ¯8 If foldleft←{⍶/⍵} then foldright←{⍶⍨/⌽⍵} Since ⍶/⍵[1 2 3] <—> ⍵[1] ⍶ ⍵[2] ⍶ ⍵[3] <—> ⍵[1] ⍶ (⍵[2] ⍶ ⍵[3]), then ⍶⍨/⌽⍵[1 2 3] <—> ⍶⍨/⍵[3 2 1] <—> ⍵[3] ⍶⍨ ⍵[2] ⍶⍨ ⍵[1] <—> ⍵[3] ⍶⍨ ⍵[1] ⍶ ⍵[2] <—> (⍵[1] ⍶ ⍵[2]) ⍶ ⍵[3]
Derivative: d←{((⍶⍵+⍺)-⍶⍵)÷⍺} 1E¯7 {⍵*2}d 3 <—> 6.000… In conventional mathematical notation, f'(x) = (f(x+h) - f(x)) / h ⍶d ⍵ ⍶ ⍵ ⍺ ⍶ ⍵ ⍺
Basically, the arguments are organised as ⍺ {} ⍵ for functions and ⍺ (⍶ {} ⍹) ⍵ for operators, where your function/operator is in the {}. ⍺ and ⍵ cannot be functions, but ⍶ and ⍹ can. ⍺ and ⍹ are optional.
Best regards, Louis
Now pretty clear. > It’s a definition for an operator receiving two function arguments ⍶ and ⍹, for which you can not do ⎕←⍹ or ⎕←⍶. ... many thanks. Xtian. On 2016-05-17 23:12, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
On May 17, 2016, at 9:48 PM, Christian Robert <address@hidden> wrote:
Sorry, no explanations given.
hook←{⍵⍶⍹⍵} +hook÷2 2.5
You can look at the definition ∇hook[⎕]∇ ∇ [0] λ←(⍶ hook ⍹ ) ⍵ [1] λ←⍵⍶⍹⍵ ∇ It’s a definition for an operator receiving two function arguments ⍶ and ⍹, for which you can not do ⎕←⍹ or ⎕←⍶. The result is a monadic function with right argument ⍵. Explicitly for the example, +hook÷2 is equivalent to 2+÷2
hook←{⍵⍶⍹⍵⊣⎕←⍵⊣⎕←⍶⊣⎕←⍹⊣⎕←⍵} +hook÷2 2 DOMAIN ERROR hook[1] λ←⍵ ⍶ ⍹ ⍵⊣⎕←⍵⊣⎕←⍶⊣⎕←⍹⊣⎕←⍵ ^^ please explain the principle to a newbie.
I really want a working examples.
On 2016-05-17 22:30, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
They are for direct function (operator?) definitions. Try:
hook←{⍵⍶⍹⍵} +hook÷2 2.5
On May 17, 2016, at 8:24 PM, Christian Robert <address@hidden> wrote:
in the result of "]help" I can see:
λ { ... } result ⍺ { ... } left value argument ⍵ { ... } right value argument χ { ... } axis argument ⍶ { ... } left function argument ⍹ { ... } right function argument
can someone explain to me the usage of ⍶ and ⍹ with some examples ?
I understant the first four, but not the last two.
many thanks,