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[Bug-apl] Two things I have to share
From: |
Christian Robert |
Subject: |
[Bug-apl] Two things I have to share |
Date: |
Wed, 24 Aug 2016 20:52:27 -0400 |
User-agent: |
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.2.0 |
First my "df" function
names←((⊂[⎕io+1]⎕nl 3 4)~¨' ')~ ⊂"df"
lambda←({'λ'=↑⎕cr ⍵}¨names)/names
→(2> ⍴lambda)/nosrtl
lambda←{⍵[⎕av⍋⊃⍵]} lambda
nosrtl: func←names~lambda
func←{⍵[⎕av⍋⊃⍵]} func
nosrtf: func←{⍵ (22 ⎕cr ⎕cr ⍵)} ¨ func
lambda←{⍵,'←{',({⌽ {(+/^\' '=⍵)↓⍵} ⌽ ⍵} 2↓((⎕cr ⍵)[1+⎕io;])),({{⌽ {(+/^\'
'=⍵)↓⍵} ⌽ ⍵} {(∨\t=';')/t←(⎕cr ⍵)[⎕io;]} ⍵} ⍵),'}'} ¨ lambda
z←,[⍳0],func,(⊂" "),lambda
I made a workspace named "df" with the only function "df" inside, so I
can do:
)copy df df
from whithin any workspaces
IS Util
)copy df df
SAVED 2016-08-24 20:28:15 (GMT-4)
║z←Execute cmd;fh
║fh ← ⎕FIO[24] cmd ⍝ popen(cmd,"r")
║z←⊂ 19 ⎕cr ⎕ucs ¯1↓⎕fio [8] fh ⍝ Read first line, drop final
LF, convert in byte, convert in APL║
║Loop: →(0≠⎕FIO[10] fh)/Fini ⍝ Check for end-of-file
║z←z,⊂ 19 ⎕cr ⎕ucs ¯1↓⎕fio [8] fh ⍝ Add an other line to the
array ║
║→Loop ⍝ Loop until no other lines of
output ║
║Fini: ⊣ ⎕FIO[25] fh ⍝ Close the PIPE
║z←⊃¯1↓z ⍝ Disclose the result.
Fntb ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║Z←Fntb f_name;⎕io;RTB ║
║⍝ ║
║⍝ Remove all trailing blanks from a ⎕cr 'f_name', ║
║⍝ so it will be easy to cut & paste without trailing blanks║
║⍝ intended for mail and debug purpose. ║
║⍝ ║
║⎕io←1 ║
║RTB←{(∼⌽∧\⌽⍵=' ')/⍵} ⍝ Remove trailing blanks from '⍵' ║
║Z←,[⍳0] RTB¨⊂[2]Z←⎕cr f_name ║
║z←Pull file;fh
║⎕fx 19 ⎕cr ¯1 ↓ ⎕fio[26] 18 ⎕cr file ⍝ Read a text file and ⎕FX it,
utf-8 aware for file name and contents║
║z←Push func;f2c;fh
║f2c←{(⎕ucs 10),⍨¨{(∼⌽∧\⌽⍵=' ')/⍵}¨{⊂[1+⎕io]⎕cr ⍵} ⍵} ⍝ Internal
macro to transform a function to text ║
║fh←'w' ⎕fio[3] 18 ⎕cr {(∼⌽∧\⌽⍵=' ')/⍵}func ⍝ Open a file,
no trailing blanks, honor utf-8 names║
║⊣{⍵ ⎕fio[43] fh} ¨ f2c func ⍝ Write each
line, no trailing blanks, LF terminated║
║⊣⎕fio[4] fh ⍝ Close the
file ║
║z←func ⍝ Just return
the function name ║
PushAll ╔═══════════════════════╗
║z←PushAll ║
║z←Push ¨ ⊂[⎕io+1] ⎕nl 3║
depth ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
║Z←(F depth N) A ║
║⍝ Apply monadic function at Depth N║
║→(N<≡A)/Recur ║
║Z←F a ⋄ →0 ║
║Recur: Z←(F depth N)¨A ║
f2def ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║f2def name;⎕io;ltrim;rtrim;z;⎕pw ║
║⎕io←1 ⋄ ⎕pw←1000 ⋄ ltrim←{(+/^\' '=⍵)↓⍵} ⋄ rtrim←{⌽ ltrim ⌽ ⍵}║
║z←⊂[2] ⎕cr name ║
║z[1]←⊂' ∇',⊃z[1] ║
║z←(⊂' )erase ',name),z ║
║z←(⊂' )sic'),z ║
║z←(⊂' '),z ║
║z←z,⊂"∇" ║
║(⎕ucs 10),¨ rtrim ¨ z ║
last ╔══════════════════════════════════╗
║Z←L (F last) R;V ║
║⍝ Apply F along the last dimention║
║⍝ Build enclose last FN (V) ║
║Z←'Z←V A' 'Z←⊂[(0≠⍴⍴A)/⌈/⍴⍴A]A' ║
║⎕ES (0=↑0⍴⎕FX Z)/1 2 ⍝ Fix OK? ║
║⍝ Z←F¨(V R) or Z←(V L)F¨(V R) ║
║Z←'Z←⊃',(0≠⎕NC 'L')/'(V L)' ║
║Z←Z,'F¨(V R)' ║
║⍝ (Do-or-Die idiom) ║
║'⎕ES ⎕ET' ⎕EA Z ║
mad ╔════════════════════════════════╗
║Z←L mad R ║
║⍝ Multiset Asymmetric Difference║
║Z←(~L pde R)/L ║
pde ╔═════════════════════════════╗
║Z←L pde R ║
║⍝ Progressive Dyadic Epsilon ║
pdi ╔═════════════════════════════╗
║Z←L pdi R ║
║⍝ Progressive Dyadic Iota ║
║z←readfile_fast name;fd;lines;⎕io
║⎕io←1 ⍝ Bring a file into a vector of strings, utf8 aware for
both name and contents.║
║→(0≠"r" ⎕fio[31] 18 ⎕cr name)/Error ⍝ Can not read
file ? → Error ║
║z←⎕fio[26] 18 ⎕cr name ⍝ First pass,
read the whole file ║
║lines←⍳+/((↑"\n")=z) ⍝ Compute the
iota for each line ║
║z←(⍴lines)⍴⍬ ⍝ Preallocate
"z" to the right size ║
║fd←⎕fio[3] 18 ⎕cr name ⍝ Open the file
║⊣ {⊣z[⍵]←⊂19 ⎕cr ⎕ucs ¯1↓⎕fio[8] fd} ⍤0 lines ⍝ Put each line in the
preallocated "z"║
║⊣ ⎕fio[4] fd ⋄ →0 ⍝ Close the
file and return ║
║Error: ⎕ES ∊'Error on file "',name,'": ',⎕fio[2] | ⎕fio[1] ''
replace ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║z←s replace p;fr;to;P;i;⎕io ║
║⍝ ------------- ║
║→(2≤≡s)/ForEach ║
║→(2≤⍴⍴s)/Matrix ║
║→Vector ║
║⍝ ------------- ║
║ForEach: z←{⍵ replace p}¨s ◊ →0 ║
║Matrix: z←⊃ {⍵ replace p}¨ ⊂[2]s ◊ →0║
║⍝ ------------- ║
║Vector: p←,¨p ◊ z←s←,s ⋄ ⎕io←1 ║
║Loop:→((⍴p)<2)/0 ║
║(fr to)←2↑p ◊ p←2↓p ║
║P←¯1↓∧/[1](¯1+⍳⍴fr)⌽fr∘.=z,⎕ucs 1 ║
║i←0 ║
║Sanitize: i←i+1 ║
║→(i>(⍴P)-⍴fr)/Substitute ║
║→(0=P[i])/Sanitize ║
║((⊂ i+¯1+⍳⍴fr)⌷P)←(⍴fr)↑1 ║
║→Sanitize ║
║Substitute: P←⌽(P/⍳⍴P) ║
║⊣ {z←((¯1+⍵)↑z),to,(¯1+⍵+⍴fr)↓z}¨P ║
║→Loop ║
time ╔════════════════════════╗
║time ∆cmd;∆start;∆stop ║
║∆start←⎕fio ¯1 ║
║⍎ ∆cmd ║
║∆stop←⎕fio ¯1 ║
║⎕←(∆stop-∆start)÷⎕fio ¯2║
time2 ╔═══════════════════════╗
║time2 ∆cmd;∆start;∆stop║
║∆start←↑1↓⎕ai ║
║⍎ ∆cmd ║
║∆stop←↑1↓⎕ai ║
║⎕←1000÷⍨∆stop-∆start ║
D←{24 ⎕cr ⍵}
cut_to_window←{((⍴,⍵)⌊(¯2+⎕fio ¯8))↑,⍵}
ltrim←{(+/^\' '=⍵)↓⍵}
no_multi_blanks←{(~⍵∧1⌽⍵←' '=⍵)/⍵}
rtrim←{⌽ {(+/^\' '=⍵)↓⍵} ⌽ ⍵}
to_utf8←{⍎↑(2=≡⍵)↓⌽ "19 ⎕cr ¨⍵" "19 ⎕cr ⍵"}
trim←{⌽ ltrim ⌽ ltrim ⍵}
typeof←{↑0⍴⊂ ⍵}
So, it present your functions (alpha sorted) and then your Lambda (alpha sorted
and local vars aware).
the useful things are that it give a very quick look of the whole workspace
and present the lamda's in a way it is easy to cut, modify and paste them.
The second share is the function "readfile_fast". It is, to my knowledge, the
way (in gnuapl) to load a large file (like /var/log/messages). I successfully
loaded a 200,000+ plus lines
file into my workspace within a few seconds. (Order N), (need memory and permission,
avoid ")save", may take a while)
here it is:
∇z←readfile_fast name;fd;lines;⎕io
⎕io←1 ⍝ Bring a file into a vector of strings, utf8 aware for both name and
→(0≠"r" ⎕fio[31] 18 ⎕cr name)/Error ⍝ Can not read file ? → Error
z←⎕fio[26] 18 ⎕cr name ⍝ First pass, read the whole file
lines←⍳+/((↑"\n")=z) ⍝ Compute the iota for each line
z←(⍴lines)⍴⍬ ⍝ Preallocate "z" to the right
fd←⎕fio[3] 18 ⎕cr name ⍝ Open the file
⊣ {⊣z[⍵]←⊂19 ⎕cr ⎕ucs ¯1↓⎕fio[8] fd} ⍤0 lines ⍝ Put each line in the preallocated
⊣ ⎕fio[4] fd ⋄ →0 ⍝ Close the file and return
Error: ⎕ES ∊'Error on file "',name,'": ',⎕fio[2] | ⎕fio[1] ''
enjoy both shares,
ps: both functions may/have bugs, no doubts.
- [Bug-apl] Two things I have to share,
Christian Robert <=