cuda that way without much bottle neck.
other limitations on performance with arrays of such size.
> On Apr 28, 2017, at 9:19 PM, Fred Weigel <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Jeurgen, and other GNU APL experts.
> I am exploring neural nets, word2vec and some other AI related areas.
> Right now, I want to tie in google's word2vec trained models (the
> billion word one GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz)
> This is a binary file containing a lot of floating point data -- about
> 3.5GB of data. These are words, followed by cosine distances. I could
> attempt to feed this in slow way, and put it into an APL workspace.
> But... I also intend on attempting to feed the data to a GPU. So, what I
> am looking for is a modification to GNU APL (and yes, I am willing to do
> the work) -- to allow for the complete suppression of normal C++
> allocations, etc. and allow the introduction of simple float/double
> vectors or matrices (helpful to allow "C"-ish or UTF-8-ish strings: the
> data is (C string containing word name) (fixed number of floating
> point)... repeated LOTs of times.
> The data set(s) may be compressed, so I don't want read them directly --
> possibly from a shared memory region (64 bit system only, of course), or
> , perhaps using shared variables... but I don't think that would be fast
> enough.
> Anyway, this begins to allow the push into "big data" and AI
> applications. Just looking for some input and ideas here.
> Many thanks
> Fred Weigel