    This file is part of GNU APL, a free implementation of the
    ISO/IEC Standard 13751, "Programming Language APL, Extended"

    Copyright (C) 2008-2016  Dr. Jürgen Sauermann

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <errno.h>
#include <fenv.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "ComplexCell.hh"
#include "ErrorCode.hh"
#include "FloatCell.hh"
#include "IntCell.hh"
#include "Output.hh"
#include "Workspace.hh"

#include "Cell.icc"

ComplexCell::ComplexCell(APL_Complex c)
   value.cval_r  = c.real();
   value2.cval_i = c.imag();
ComplexCell::ComplexCell(APL_Float r, APL_Float i)
   value.cval_r  = r;
   value2.cval_i = i;
ComplexCell::get_real_value() const
   return value.cval_r;
ComplexCell::get_imag_value() const
   return value2.cval_i;
ComplexCell::is_near_int() const
   return Cell::is_near_int(value.cval_r) &&
ComplexCell::is_near_zero() const
   if (value.cval_r  >=  INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   return false;
   if (value.cval_r  <= -INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   return false;
   if (value2.cval_i >=  INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   return false;
   if (value2.cval_i <= -INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   return false;
   return true;
ComplexCell::is_near_one() const
   if (value.cval_r >  (1.0 + INTEGER_TOLERANCE))   return false;
   if (value.cval_r <  (1.0 - INTEGER_TOLERANCE))   return false;
   if (value2.cval_i >  INTEGER_TOLERANCE)           return false;
   if (value2.cval_i < -INTEGER_TOLERANCE)           return false;
   return true;
ComplexCell::is_near_real() const
const double I = value2.cval_i * value2.cval_i;

   if (I < B)     return true;   // I is absolutely small

const double R = value.cval_r * value.cval_r;
   if (I < R*B)   return true;   // I is relatively small
   return false;
ComplexCell::equal(const Cell & A, APL_Float qct) const
   if (!A.is_numeric())   return false;
   return tolerantly_equal(A.get_complex_value(), get_complex_value(), qct);
// monadic build-in functions...
ComplexCell::bif_factorial(Cell * Z) const
   if (is_near_real())
        const FloatCell fc(get_real_value());
        return E_NO_ERROR;

const APL_Float zr = get_real_value() + 1.0;
const APL_Float zi = get_imag_value();
const APL_Complex z(zr, zi);

   new (Z) ComplexCell(gamma(get_real_value(), get_imag_value()));
   if (errno)   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_conjugate(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(conj(cval()));
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_negative(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(-cval());
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_direction(Cell * Z) const
const APL_Float mag = abs(cval());
   if (mag == 0.0)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
   else              return ComplexCell::zv(Z, cval()/mag);
ComplexCell::bif_magnitude(Cell * Z) const
   return FloatCell::zv(Z, abs(cval()));
ComplexCell::bif_reciprocal(Cell * Z) const
   if (is_near_zero())  return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

   if (is_near_real())
        const APL_Float z = 1.0/value.cval_r;
        if (!isfinite(z))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return FloatCell::zv(Z, z);

const APL_Complex z = 1.0 / cval();
   if (!isfinite(z.real()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (!isfinite(z.imag()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   return zv(Z, z);
ComplexCell::bif_roll(Cell * Z) const
const APL_Integer qio = Workspace::get_IO();
   if (!is_near_int())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Integer set_size = get_checked_near_int();
   if (set_size <= 0)   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const uint64_t rnd = Workspace::get_RL(set_size);
   return IntCell::zv(Z, qio + (rnd % set_size));
ComplexCell::bif_pi_times(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(M_PI * cval());
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_pi_times_inverse(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(cval() / M_PI);
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_ceiling(Cell * Z) const
const APL_Float cr = ceil(value.cval_r);    // cr ≥ value.cval_r
const APL_Float Dr = cr - value.cval_r;     // Dr ≥ 0
const APL_Float ci = ceil(value2.cval_i);   // ci ≥ value2.cval_i
const APL_Float Di = ci - value2.cval_i;    // Di ≥ 0
const APL_Float D = Dr + Di;                // 0 ≤ D < 2

   // ISO: if D is tolerantly less than 1 return fr + 0J1×fi
   // IBM: if D is            less than 1 return fr + 0J1×fi
   // However, ISO examples follow IBM (and so do we)
// if (D < 1.0 + Workspace::get_CT())   return zv(Z, cr, ci);   // ISO
   if (D < 1.0)   return zv(Z, cr, ci);   // IBM and examples in ISO

   if (Di > Dr)   return zv(Z, cr, ci - 1.0);
   else           return zv(Z, cr - 1.0, ci);
ComplexCell::bif_floor(Cell * Z) const
const APL_Float fr = floor(value.cval_r);    // fr ≤ value.cval_r
const APL_Float Dr = value.cval_r - fr;      // 0 ≤ Dr < 1
const APL_Float fi = floor(value2.cval_i);   // fi ≤ value2.cval_i
const APL_Float Di = value2.cval_i - fi;     // 0 ≤ Di < 1
const APL_Float D = Dr + Di;                 // 0 ≤ D < 2

   if (D < 1.0 - Workspace::get_CT())   return zv(Z, fr, fi);   // ISO

   if (Dr < Di)   return zv(Z, fr, fi + 1.0);
   else           return zv(Z, fr + 1.0, fi);
ComplexCell::bif_exponential(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(exp(cval()));
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_nat_log(Cell * Z) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(log(cval()));
   return E_NO_ERROR;
// dyadic build-in functions...
ComplexCell::bif_add(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(A->get_complex_value() + get_complex_value());
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_subtract(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   new (Z) ComplexCell(A->get_complex_value() - get_complex_value());
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_multiply(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
const APL_Complex z = A->get_complex_value() * cval();
   if (!isfinite(z.real()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (!isfinite(z.imag()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

   new (Z) ComplexCell(z);
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_divide(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   if (cval().real() == 0.0 && cval().imag() == 0.0)   // A ÷ 0
        if (A->get_real_value() != 0.0)   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        if (A->get_imag_value() != 0.0)   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return IntCell::zv(Z, 1);   // 0÷0 is 1 in APL

   new (Z) ComplexCell(A->get_complex_value() / get_complex_value());
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_residue(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   if (!A->is_numeric())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Complex mod = A->get_complex_value();
const APL_Complex b = get_complex_value();

   // if A is zero , return B
   if (mod.real() == 0.0 && mod.imag() == 0.0)
      return zv(Z, b);

   // IBM: if B is zero , return 0
   if (b.real() == 0.0 && b.imag() == 0.0)
      return IntCell::z0(Z);

   // compliant implementation: B-A×⌊B÷A+A=0
   // The b=0 case may still exist due to ⎕CT
   //                          	// op       Z before     Z after
CERR << std::setprecision(14);
CERR << "⎕CT is: " << Workspace::get_CT() << endl;
CERR << "modulus (A) is: " << A->get_complex_value() << endl;
   new (Z) IntCell(0);          // Z←0      any          0
   Z->bif_equal(Z, A);          // Z←A=Z    0            A=0
CERR << "A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   Z->bif_add(Z, A);           	// Z←A+Z    A=0          A+A=0
CERR << "A+A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   Z->bif_divide(Z, this);      // Z←B÷Z    A+A=0        B÷A+A=0
CERR << "B÷A+A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   Z->bif_floor(Z);             // Z←⌊Z     B÷A+A=0      ⌊B÷A+A=0
CERR << "⌊B÷A+A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   Z->bif_multiply(Z, A);       // Z←A×Z    ⌊B÷A+A=0     A×⌊B÷A+A=0
CERR << "A×⌊B÷A+A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   Z->bif_subtract(Z, this);    // Z←A-Z    A×⌊B÷A+A=0   B-A×⌊B÷A+A=0
CERR << "B-A×⌊B÷A+A=0 is: " << Z->get_complex_value() << endl;
   return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_maximum(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   // maximum of complex numbers gives DOMAN ERROR if one of the cells
   // is not near-real.
   if (!is_near_real())         return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (!A->is_near_real())      return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Float breal = get_real_value();

   if (A->is_integer_cell())
        const APL_Integer a = A->get_int_value();
        return a >= breal ? IntCell::zv(Z, a) : FloatCell::zv(Z, breal);

   // both A and B are near-real, therefore they must be numeric and have no
   // non-0 imag part
const APL_Float a = A->get_real_value();
   return FloatCell::zv(Z, a >= breal ? a : breal);
ComplexCell::bif_minimum(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   // minimum of complex numbers gives DOMAN ERROR if one of the cells
   // is not near real.
   if (!is_near_real())      return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (!A->is_near_real())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Float breal = get_real_value();

   if (A->is_integer_cell())
        const APL_Integer a = A->get_int_value();
        return a <= breal ? IntCell::zv(Z, a) : FloatCell::zv(Z, breal);

   // both A and B are near-real, therefore they must be numeric and have no
   // non-0 imag part
const APL_Float a = A->get_real_value();
   return FloatCell::zv(Z, a <= breal ? a : breal);
ComplexCell::bif_equal(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
const APL_Float qct = Workspace::get_CT();
   if (A->is_complex_cell())
        const APL_Complex diff = A->get_complex_value() - get_complex_value();
        if (diff.real() >  qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        if (diff.real() < -qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        if (diff.imag() >  qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        if (diff.imag() < -qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        return IntCell::zv(Z, 1);

   if (A->is_numeric())
        if (get_imag_value() >  qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        if (get_imag_value() < -qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);

        const APL_Float diff = A->get_real_value() - get_real_value();
        if (diff >  qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        if (diff < -qct)   return IntCell::zv(Z, 0);
        return IntCell::zv(Z, 1);

   return IntCell::zv(Z, 1);
ComplexCell::bif_power(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   // some A to the complex B-th power
   if (!A->is_numeric())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Float ar = A->get_real_value();
const APL_Float ai = A->get_imag_value();

   // 1. A == 0
   if (ar == 0.0 && ai == 0.0)
         if (cval().real() == 0.0)   return IntCell::z1(Z);   // 0⋆0 is 1
         if (cval().imag() > 0)      return IntCell::z0(Z);   // 0⋆N is 0
         return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;                               // 0⋆¯N = 1÷0

   // 2. complex result
     const APL_Complex a(ar, ai);
     const APL_Complex z = pow(a, cval());
     if (!isfinite(z.real()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
     if (!isfinite(z.imag()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

     new (Z) ComplexCell(z);
     return E_NO_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_logarithm(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   // ISO p. 88
   if (!A->is_numeric())          return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

   if (get_real_value() == A->get_real_value() && 
       get_imag_value() == A->get_imag_value())   return IntCell::z1(Z);

   if (value.cval_r == 0.0 && value2.cval_i == 0.0)   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (A->is_near_one())                              return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

   if (A->is_real_cell())
        const APL_Complex z = log(cval()) / log(A->get_real_value());
        if (!isfinite(z.real()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        if (!isfinite(z.imag()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return zv(Z, z);

   if (A->is_complex_cell())
        const APL_Complex z = log(cval()) / log(A->get_complex_value());
        if (!isfinite(z.real()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        if (!isfinite(z.imag()))   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return zv(Z, z);

   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
ComplexCell::bif_circle_fun(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   if (!A->is_near_int())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
const APL_Integer fun = A->get_checked_near_int();

   new (Z) FloatCell(0);   // prepare for DOMAIN ERROR

const ErrorCode ret = do_bif_circle_fun(Z, fun, cval());
   if (!Z->is_finite())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
   return ret;
ComplexCell::bif_circle_fun_inverse(Cell * Z, const Cell * A) const
   if (!A->is_near_int())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
const APL_Integer fun = A->get_checked_near_int();

   new (Z) FloatCell(0);   // prepare for DOMAIN ERROR

ErrorCode ret = E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
        case 1: case -1:
        case 2: case -2:
        case 3: case -3:
        case 4: case -4:
        case 5: case -5:
        case 6: case -6:
        case 7: case -7:
                ret = do_bif_circle_fun(Z, -fun, cval());
                if (!Z->is_finite())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
                return ret;

        case -10:  // +A (conjugate) is self-inverse
                ret = do_bif_circle_fun(Z, fun, cval());
                if (!Z->is_finite())   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
                return ret;

        default: return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;

   // not reached
   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
ComplexCell::do_bif_circle_fun(Cell * Z, int fun, APL_Complex b)
        case -12: {
                    ComplexCell cb(-b.imag(), b.real());
                  return E_NO_ERROR;

        case -11: return zv(Z, -b.imag(), b.real());

        case -10: return zv(Z, b.real(), -b.imag());

        case  -9: return zv(Z,             b   );

        case  -7: // arctanh(z) = 0.5 (ln(1 + z) - ln(1 - z))
                    const APL_Complex b1      = ONE() + b;
                    const APL_Complex b_1     = ONE() - b;
                    const APL_Complex log_b1  = log(b1);
                    const APL_Complex log_b_1 = log(b_1);
                    const APL_Complex diff    = log_b1 - log_b_1;
                    const APL_Complex half    = 0.5 * diff;
                    return zv(Z, half);

        case  -6: // arccosh(z) = ln(z + sqrt(z + 1) sqrt(z - 1))
                    const APL_Complex b1     = b + ONE();
                    const APL_Complex b_1    = b - ONE();
                    const APL_Complex root1  = sqrt(b1);
                    const APL_Complex root_1 = sqrt(b_1);
                    const APL_Complex prod   = root1 * root_1;
                    const APL_Complex sum    = b + prod;
                    const APL_Complex loga   = log(sum);
                    return zv(Z, loga);

        case  -5: // arcsinh(z) = ln(z + sqrt(z^2 + 1))
                    const APL_Complex b2 = b*b;
                    const APL_Complex b2_1 = b2 + ONE();
                    const APL_Complex root = sqrt(b2_1);
                    const APL_Complex sum =  b + root;
                    const APL_Complex loga = log(sum);
                    return zv(Z, loga);

        case  -4: if (b.real() >= 0 ||
                      (b.real() > -1 && Cell::is_near_zero(b.imag()))
                     )   return zv(Z,  sqrt(b*b - 1.0));
                  else   return zv(Z, -sqrt(b*b - 1.0));

        case  -3: // arctan(z) = i/2 (ln(1 - iz) - ln(1 + iz))
                    const APL_Complex iz = APL_Complex(- b.imag(), b.real());
                    const APL_Complex piz = ONE() + iz;
                    const APL_Complex niz = ONE() - iz;
                    const APL_Complex log_piz = log(piz);
                    const APL_Complex log_niz = log(niz);
                    const APL_Complex diff = log_niz - log_piz;
                    const APL_Complex prod = APL_Complex(0, 0.5) * diff;
                    return zv(Z, prod);

        case  -2: // arccos(z) = -i (ln( z + sqrt(z^2 - 1)))
                    const APL_Complex b2 = b*b;
                    const APL_Complex diff = b2 - ONE();
                    const APL_Complex root = sqrt(diff);
                    const APL_Complex sum = b + root;
                    const APL_Complex loga = log(sum);
                    const APL_Complex prod = MINUS_i() * loga;
                    return zv(Z, prod);

        case  -1: // arcsin(z) = -i (ln(iz + sqrt(1 - z^2)))
                    const APL_Complex b2 = b*b;
                    const APL_Complex diff = ONE() - b2;
                    const APL_Complex root = sqrt(diff);
                    const APL_Complex sum  = APL_Complex(-b.imag(), b.real())
                                           + root;
                    const APL_Complex loga = log(sum);
                    const APL_Complex prod = MINUS_i() * loga;
                    return zv(Z, prod);

        case   0: return zv(Z, sqrt(1.0 - b*b));

        case   1: return zv(Z, sin       (b));

        case   2: return zv(Z, cos       (b));

        case   3: return zv(Z, tan       (b));

        case   4: return zv(Z, sqrt(1.0 + b*b));

        case   5: return zv(Z, sinh      (b));

        case   6: return zv(Z, cosh      (b));

        case   7: return zv(Z, tanh      (b));

        case  -8: // ¯8○B is - 8○B
        case   8: {
                    // Let b = X + iY and sq = (¯1 - R*2)*.5
                    // Then 8○X+JY:  Z is: + sq  if  X > 0 and Y > 0
                    //                           or  X = 0 and Y > 1
                    //                           or  X < 0 and Y ≥ 0, and
                    //                     - sq  otherwise
                    bool pos_8 = false;
                    if      (b.real() >  0) { if (b.imag() > 0)  pos_8 = true; }
                    else if (b.real() == 0) { if (b.imag() > 1)  pos_8 = true; }
                    else                    { if (b.imag() >= 0) pos_8 = true; }

                    if (fun == 8)   pos_8 = ! pos_8;

                    const APL_Complex sq = sqrt(-(1.0 + b*b));  // (¯1 - R*2)*.5

                    return zv(Z, pos_8 ? sq : -sq);

        case   9: return FloatCell::zv(Z,      b.real());

        case  10: return FloatCell::zv(Z, sqrt(b.real()*b.real()
                                             + b.imag()* b.imag()));
        case  11: return FloatCell::zv(Z, b.imag());

        case  12: return FloatCell::zv(Z, atan2(b.imag(), b.real()));

   // invalid fun
   return E_DOMAIN_ERROR;
ComplexCell::gamma(APL_Float x, const APL_Float y)
   if (x < 0.5)
      return M_PI / sin(M_PI * APL_Complex(x, y)) * gamma(1 - x, -y);

   // coefficients for lanczos approximation of the gamma function.
#define p0 APL_Complex(  1.000000000190015   )
#define p1 APL_Complex( 76.18009172947146    )
#define p2 APL_Complex(-86.50532032941677    )
#define p3 APL_Complex( 24.01409824083091    )
#define p4 APL_Complex( -1.231739572450155   )
#define p5 APL_Complex(  1.208650973866179E-3)
#define p6 APL_Complex( -5.395239384953E-6   )

   errno = 0;

   x += 1.0;

const APL_Complex z(x, y);

const APL_Complex ret( (sqrt(2*M_PI) / z)
                      * (p0                            +
                          p1 / APL_Complex(x + 1.0, y) +
                          p2 / APL_Complex(x + 2.0, y) +
                          p3 / APL_Complex(x + 3.0, y) +
                          p4 / APL_Complex(x + 4.0, y) +
                          p5 / APL_Complex(x + 5.0, y) +
                          p6 / APL_Complex(x + 6.0, y))
                       * pow(z + 5.5, z + 0.5)
                       * exp(-(z + 5.5))

   // errno may be set and is checked by the caller

   return ret;

#undef p0
#undef p1
#undef p2
#undef p3
#undef p4
#undef p5
#undef p6
// throw/nothrow boundary. Functions above MUST NOT (directly or indirectly)
// throw while funcions below MAY throw.

#include "Error.hh"   // throws

ComplexCell::get_near_bool()  const   
   if (value2.cval_i >  INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   DOMAIN_ERROR;
   if (value2.cval_i < -INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   DOMAIN_ERROR;

   if (value.cval_r > INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   // 1 or invalid
        if (value.cval_r < (1.0 - INTEGER_TOLERANCE))   DOMAIN_ERROR;
        if (value.cval_r > (1.0 + INTEGER_TOLERANCE))   DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return true;
        if (value.cval_r < -INTEGER_TOLERANCE)   DOMAIN_ERROR;
        return false;
ComplexCell::get_near_int() const
// if (value2.cval_i >  qct)   DOMAIN_ERROR;
// if (value2.cval_i < -qct)   DOMAIN_ERROR;

const double val = value.cval_r;
const double result = round(val);
const double diff = val - result;

   return APL_Integer(result + 0.3);
ComplexCell::greater(const Cell & other) const
        case CT_CHAR:    return true;
        case CT_INT:
        case CT_FLOAT:
        case CT_COMPLEX: break;
        case CT_POINTER: return false;
        default:         Assert(0 && "Bad celltype");

const Comp_result comp = compare(other);
   if (comp == COMP_EQ)   return this > &other;
   return (comp == COMP_GT);
ComplexCell::compare(const Cell & other) const
   if (other.is_character_cell())   return COMP_GT;
   if (!other.is_numeric())   DOMAIN_ERROR;

const APL_Float qct = Workspace::get_CT();
   if (equal(other, qct))   return COMP_EQ;

APL_Float areal = other.get_real_value();
APL_Float breal = get_real_value();

   // we compare complex numbers by their real part unless the real parsts
   // are equal. In that case we compare the imag parts. The reason for
   // comparing this way is compatibility with the comparison of real numbers
   if (tolerantly_equal(areal, breal, qct))
        areal = other.get_imag_value();
        breal = get_imag_value();

   return (breal < areal) ? COMP_LT : COMP_GT;
ComplexCell::character_representation(const PrintContext & pctx) const
   if (pctx.get_PP() < MAX_Quad_PP)
         // 10⋆get_PP()
         APL_Float ten_to_PP = 1.0;
         loop(p, pctx.get_PP())   ten_to_PP *= 10.0;
         // lrm p. 13: In J notation, the real or imaginary part is not
         // displayed if it is less than the other by more than ⎕PP orders
         // of magnitude (unless ⎕PP is at its maximum).
         const APL_Float pos_real = value.cval_r < 0
                                  ? -value.cval_r : value.cval_r;
         const APL_Float pos_imag = value2.cval_i < 0
                                  ? -value2.cval_i : value2.cval_i;

         if (pos_real >= pos_imag)   // pos_real dominates pos_imag
              if (pos_real > pos_imag*ten_to_PP)
                   const FloatCell real_cell(value.cval_r);
                   return real_cell.character_representation(pctx);
         else                        // pos_imag dominates pos_real
              if (pos_imag > pos_real*ten_to_PP)
                   const FloatCell imag_cell(value2.cval_i);
                   PrintBuffer ret = imag_cell.character_representation(pctx);
                   ret.pad_l(UNI_ASCII_J, 1);
                   ret.pad_l(UNI_ASCII_0, 1);
                   ret.get_info().flags |= CT_COMPLEX;
                   ret.get_info().imag_len = 1 + ret.get_info().real_len;
                   ret.get_info().int_len = 1;
                   ret.get_info().fract_len = 0;
                   ret.get_info().real_len = 1;
                   return ret;

bool scaled_real = pctx.get_scaled();   // may be changed by print function
UCS_string ucs(value.cval_r, scaled_real, pctx);

ColInfo info;
   info.flags |= CT_COMPLEX;
   if (scaled_real)   info.flags |= real_has_E;
int int_fract = ucs.size();
   info.real_len = ucs.size();
   info.int_len = ucs.size();
   loop(u, ucs.size())
       if (ucs[u] == UNI_ASCII_FULLSTOP)
             info.int_len = u;
             if (!scaled_real)   break;

        if (ucs[u] == UNI_ASCII_E)
             if (info.int_len > u)   info.int_len = u;
             int_fract = u;
   info.fract_len = int_fract - info.int_len;

   if (!is_near_real())
        bool scaled_imag = pctx.get_scaled();  // may be changed by UCS_string()
        const UCS_string ucs_i(value2.cval_i, scaled_imag, pctx);


        info.imag_len = ucs.size() - info.real_len;
        if (scaled_imag)   info.flags |= imag_has_E;

   return PrintBuffer(ucs, info);
ComplexCell::need_scaling(const PrintContext &pctx) const
   // a complex number needs scaling if the real part needs it, ot
   // the complex part is significant and needs it.
   return FloatCell::need_scaling(value.cval_r, pctx.get_PP()) ||
          (!is_near_real() && 
          FloatCell::need_scaling(value2.cval_i, pctx.get_PP()));