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Re: [Bug-apl] startup time, and, is there a way to run under FastCGI?

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] startup time, and, is there a way to run under FastCGI?
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 13:37:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1

Hi Patrick,

it is generally difficult to predict the performance of fscanf() because it depends a lot on the
details of its arguments. However, doing the things that fscanf() does at APL level is most likely
worse because the APL operations that would be needed to perform the same function
as fscanf() would involve many comparisons of character scalars and many branches at
APL level.

So if fscanf() can do the job, use it and otherwise have a look at ⎕RE.

Best Regards,
/// Jürgen Sauermann

On 10/18/2018 06:07 AM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
Hi Juergen,

That is amazing!  I was able to download and recompile, and it is indeed, much faster!

On my virtualized machine the time went from 540ms down to about 138ms.  I think I ran some other commands in it, will look over the script again tomorrow and see if I can make it even faster. It uses FIO [49] I think, to load the 2 data files.  

Would I get faster results, by using FIO [3] to get a file handle, and then use the fscanf available via FIO, do you think?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Juergen Sauermann" <address@hidden>
To: "Patrick Giagnocavo" <address@hidden>, address@hidden
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 3:02:59 PM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] startup time, and, is there a way to run under FastCGI?


fixed in SVN 1083 . Time is down to 11 ms: 

F5000←⊂[2]'0123456789'[?5000 10⍴10] 
F1750←⊂[2]'0123456789'[?1750 10⍴10] 

D←F5000 ∼ F1750 
(365 12 30 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS-T) 'ms' 
11 ms 

/// Jürgen 

On 10/16/2018 08:00 PM, Juergen Sauermann wrote: 

Hi Patrick, 

as far as I can see most of the time is spent in the WITHOUT function (A∼B): 

F5000←⊂[2]'0123456789'[?5000 10⍴10] 
F1750←⊂[2]'0123456789'[?1750 10⍴10] 

(365 12 30 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS-T) 'ms' 
512 ms 

Please note that the comm command works on sorted lists, so that 
comparing them can be done in linear time. I could do the same 
in GNU APL: 

(365 12 30 24 60 60 1000⊥⎕TS-T) 'ms' 
20 ms 

which should reduce the execution time from currently O(m×n) 
down to O(m log m + n log n). I will look into this. 

Regarding FastCGI, I am not familiar with its details, but looking 
at the Wikipedia description of it, calling apl from it should be rather 
easy ( ⎕FIO[34] to listen () on TCP ports and ( ⎕FIO[3 5 ] to accept() 
TCP connections for apl as a server or ⎕FIO[36] for apl as 
a client). 

Alternatively, if apl is supposed to do something else in parallel 
you can connect apl with some other process via ⎕FIO[57] (which 
is a socket pair and probably the fastest method) and either use 
raw bytes, or TLVs encoded with 33/34 ⎕CR . See 


for details. 

Best Refards, 
/// Jürgen Sauermann 

On 10/15/2018 04:40 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote: 

First, thanks for GNU APL!

I have a simple script that I have written, it compares one list of approximately 5000 10-digit phone numbers with another list of 1700 ten-digit phone numbers and tells me which numbers (items) in the second list, are not in the larger list.

So I do the 2 FIO [49] for each file, assigning each to a variable, then

result<- large5klist~smallerlist
47 1 (rho) result (to print it out)  ; I know in this case there are 47 results and I want it printed in just 1 column, i.e. one phone number per line

when I run this under Linux (a recent svn trunk), without the banner etc., it completes in approximately 0.520 seconds; actually the banner doesn't seem to make much difference in output.

When I run "comm -23 list1.txt list2.txt" it takes 0.016 seconds on the same hardware.

Now, I don't expect such performance, but, is there a way to reduce the time?  Is there a way to start APL such that it can "fork" a task to handle this, so that startup time is almost zero?

And (I think about doing this via a web interface) is there a way to run APL under FastCGI?  My guess is that the interpreter startup time is the issue, rather than the actual execution of the commands.  I will try to test just an "empty" APL startup e.g. a script which contains only )OFF , and see what amount of time that takes.


Patrick Giagnocavo address@hidden 

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