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Re: Library settings fail

From: Hans-Peter Sorge
Subject: Re: Library settings fail
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 16:00:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.5.0

Hi Jürgen,

sorry for the noise.

Before I tried )LIBS 2 MYNAME and it failed - no idea why. Ok now.

But that failure let me try the other thingies - obsolete now.

Best Regards a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Am 24.12.20 um 12:31 schrieb Dr. Jürgen Sauermann:
Hi Hans-Peter,

thanks, see below.

Best Regards,

On 12/24/20 12:25 AM, Hans-Peter Sorge wrote:

A bit strange, as I did not notice it up to now.

This is the starting point ........................
[joy@joyw520 WSTEST]$ ll
insgesamt 4
drwxrwxr-x. 2 joy joy 4096 23. Dez 23:34 wslib2

Creating a name .................
[joy@joyw520 WSTEST]$ touch wslib2/LLLTTT.apl

Starting APL ....................
[joy@joyw520 WSTEST]$ apl -q

⍝ works as expected ....................... )libs
Library root: /home/joy/WSTEST

Library reference number to (absolute) path mapping:

║Ref│Conf │State (errno)│ Path to the directory containing the workspace files ║
║ 0 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/workspaces                                 ║
║ 1 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/GNUAPL                                     ║
║ 2 │PWD  │ present     │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2                              ║
║ 3 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib3                            ║
║ 4 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib4                            ║
║ 5 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5                            ║
║ 6 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib6                              ║
║ 7 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib7                              ║
║ 8 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib8                              ║
║ 9 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib9                              ║
       ├── NONE:  found no method to compute the library path
       ├── CMD:   the path was set with )LIBS N path
       ├── ENV:   the path came from environment variable $APL_LIB_ROOT
       ├── PSYS:  the path came from the system preferences in file
       │                   /usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d/preferences
       ├── PUSER: the path came from user preferences in file
       │                   $HOME/.config/gnu-apl or $HOME/.gnu-apl
       └── PWD:   the path is relative to current directory $PWD (last resort)

⍝ I got the name. OK ........................
      )lib /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2

⍝ 2 works too ..............................
      )lib 2

⍝ Next seems to be a bug

⍝ I want to use the library path  /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2 ..
      )libs 2

But what you are actually doing is to set the library root (= the path to the
directory which contains all libraries) to 2. You probably meant to say

      )libs /home/joy/WSTEST

      )lib 2
IMPROPER LIBRARY REFERENCE '2': No such file or directory

So you want to display the content of .../2/wslib2 ?

⍝ Thats not expected ..............................
Library root: /home/joy/WSTEST/2

⍝ The library path /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2 can NOT be set .......................

Library reference number to (absolute) path mapping:

║Ref│Conf │State (errno)│ Path to the directory containing the workspace files ║
║ 0 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/workspaces                                 ║
║ 1 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/GNUAPL                                     ║
║ 2 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/2/wslib2                            ║
║ 3 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib3                            ║
║ 4 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib4                            ║
║ 5 │PUSER│ present     │ /usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5                            ║
║ 6 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/2/wslib6                            ║
║ 7 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/2/wslib7                            ║
║ 8 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/2/wslib8                            ║
║ 9 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/2/wslib9                            ║
       ├── NONE:  found no method to compute the library path
       ├── CMD:   the path was set with )LIBS N path
       ├── ENV:   the path came from environment variable $APL_LIB_ROOT
       ├── PSYS:  the path came from the system preferences in file
       │                   /usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d/preferences
       ├── PUSER: the path came from user preferences in file
       │                   $HOME/.config/gnu-apl or $HOME/.gnu-apl
       └── PWD:   the path is relative to current directory $PWD (last resort)

⍝ alternative
     )libs /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2
⍝ as expected

Library root: /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2
⍝ Ok as before

⍝ However Ref 2 is different !!
Library reference number to (absolute) path mapping:

║Ref│Conf │State (errno)│ Path to the directory containing the workspace files ║
║ 0 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/workspaces                                 ║
║ 1 │PUSER│ present     │ /home/joy/GNUAPL                                     ║
║ 2 │PWD  │ missing (2) │ /home/joy/WSTEST/wslib2/wslib2                       ║

Best Regards

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