From: | edxmail-johnh |
Subject: | Re: [Spam] Re: New to GNU APL, curiosities or possible bugs? |
Date: | Tue, 23 Feb 2021 12:35:51 -0800 |
On Feb 23, 2021, at 2:44 PM, edxmail-johnh@usa.net wrote:
Hi Jürgen and colleagues,jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % cd ../../apl-1.8I've done a bit more digging, including running the apl-1.8 Docker container and, where applicable, APLX V5.1 and Dyalog APL V18.0.
My conclusion is the Mac OS X 10.15.* build is broken and it may be easier to abandon OS X than to fix it.... :(
I've appended a screen log of a build and demonstrated the following three of the bugs.
1) Warning )loading )saved workspaces. Sorry not to be clear. The tarball build cannot load the workspaces it has shaved--same version, same build. This is clearly demonstrated at the end of the screen log. Here's the salient bit:
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % apl
::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / Unversioned directory
Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
[1] 'hello'
[2] ∇
)wsid hello
)save hello
2021-02-23 14:00:46 (GMT-5)
)load hello
WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with a VERY old SVN version of GNU APL.
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
SAVED 2021-02-23 14:00:46 (GMT-5)
Session duration: 264.45 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 %
2) Sqlite3 connectivity. The above error messages in magenta report that apl cannot connect to Sqlite3 APserver. I get this error message every other time I start apl, this is documented in the my original (endless) email. This behavior is not observed when running APL in the docker container.
3) ⎕plot broken - this should not be a syntax error and isn't observed when running APL in the docker container (this is also demonstrated in the screen log).
⎕plot ''
⎕PLOT ''
4) The state indicator. I compared your implementation of the the state indicator to Dyalog's and APLX's and it's clear you have chosen to do it differently than other interpreters I have used. Both Dyalog and APLX (and if memory services APL 2, APL*PLUS and APL20) all omitted interactive mode errors from the SI stack.
I'm not sure what motivated your design, but clearly this appears to be what you intended. Thanks.
The devolution of the Mac is sad, but all is flux. Thanks for your Docker container; I'll take advantage of that for further use of gnu-apl.
Indeed, thanks for your great contribution.
------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 04:18:42 AM PST
From: Dr. Jürgen Sauermann <mail@xn--jrgen-sauermann-zvb.de>
To: edxmail-johnh@usa.net, bug-apl@gnu.org,Elias Mårtenson <lokedhs@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: New to GNU APL, curiosities or possible bugs?
Hi John,
see below.
Best Regards,
On 2/22/21 11:18 PM, edxmail-johnh@usa.net wrote:
Welcome to GNU APL.Hi,
I've just spent a couple of days working to get gnu-apl up and running under OS X Catalina. Good progress has been made, but I'm unsure if I have a stable and fully functioning copy of the interpreter.
This can only happens if the interpreter (-binary) that )SAVEd the WSDuring this exercise, I encountered four experiences that may indicate bugs. They are:
- Build Issue?: Newly saved workspaces rejected as ancient by interpreter
is different from the interpreter thast )LOADs it. Note that ./configure
may change the reference numbers (= SVN versions) that were used
to compare the workspace versions.
That would be a question for Elias, I believe
- Quirk?: Sqlite3 connection error message comes and goes
see info apl (chapter 2.30) or online here:
- Mystery?: Quad-Plot usage
Not sure what you mean:
- Bug?: ⎕SI for non function execution errors?
4 ⎕CR ⎕SI 4
┃┏→━━━━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━━━━━━━┓┃
┃┃ ÷0┃ ┃4 ⎕CR ⎕SI 4┃┃
┃┗━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛┃
I'm unfamiliar with the gnu packaging tools and completely overwhelmed by this enormous code base. Thus, I apologize in advance for any limitations or mistakes in this report.
John Helm
1) Build Issue: Newly saved workspaces warned as ancient by interpreter
The "standard" compile and install sequence using the apl-1.8.tar.gz tarball does not compile correctly on OS X Catalina.
The problem is configure runs svn commands to write a file ./src/buildtag.hh and these commands fail because the tarball is not an SVN repo. The resulting binary compiles without a build number. The net result is workspaces are saved with a null build number, and )LOADing these files fails with the following message:
WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with a VERY old SVN version of GNU APL.
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
immediate_execution() caught APL error 0x50004 (DOMAIN ERROR)
Here are some details from the compilations:
A) SVN errors emitted when running configure on the standard tarball
configure: creating ./src//buildtag.hh
svn: E155007: '/Users/jlh/.local/etc/repos/apl-1.8/src/Archive.cc' is not a working copy
configure: creating ./src/makefile.h
configure: creating ./src/configure_args.cc
# Note SVN number missing in --version report
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % apl --version
Project: GNU APL
Version / SVN: 1.8 / Unversioned directory
Build Date: 2021-02-22 17:48:39 UTC
Build OS: Darwin 19.6.0 x86_64
config.status: '--includedir=/opt/local/' '--with-sqlite3=/opt/local/' '--with-postgresql=no'
Archive SVN:
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 %
⍝ Create a workspace, save, and reload it to surface error
[1] 'hello world!'
[2] ∇
)wsid hello
2021-02-22 12:58:15 (GMT-5) hello
)load hello
WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with a VERY old SVN version of GNU APL.
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
SAVED 2021-02-22 12:58:15 (GMT-5)
B) Pull down svn trunk and configure, make, etc...
# note the SVN number is now included
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % apl --version
Project: GNU APL
Version / SVN: 1.8 / 1439M
Build Date: 2021-02-22 18:01:34 UTC
Build OS: Darwin 19.6.0 x86_64
config.status: '--includedir=/opt/local/' '--with-sqlite3=/opt/local/' '--with-postgresql=no'
Archive SVN: 1433
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk %
⍝ Load the workspace made by the version with a null SVN archive number
)load hello
WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with a VERY old SVN version of GNU APL.
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
⍝ overwrite with a new one, the problem is gone.
immediate_execution() caught APL error 0x50004 (DOMAIN ERROR)
[1] 'Hello World!'
[2] ∇
)wsid hello
2021-02-22 13:05:49 (GMT-5) hello
)load hello
SAVED 2021-02-22 13:05:49 (GMT-5)
Hello World!
2) Quirk: Sqlite3 error message comes and goes
To follow is a screen log in which apl was loaded four times. Every other load emits an error messages as follows:
1st load: No connection error message
2st load: ::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
3rd load: No connection error message
4st load: ::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id(
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % apl
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1439M
Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Session duration: 5.44214 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % apl
::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1439M
Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
Session duration: 7.12709 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % apl
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1439M
Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Session duration: 9.30464 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR trunk % apl
::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1439M
Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
3) Mystery Quad-Plot usage
All attempts to invoke ⎕PLOT result in a SYNTAX ERROR.
⎕plot ''
I note that this behavior is expected for ⎕RE if libpcre2 is absent when gnu-apl is compiled...
'abc' ⎕RE 'aaaaabcccc'
'abc' ⎕RE 'aaaaabcccc'
Does this behavior indicate some prerequisites are missing for ⎕PLOT to work?
4) Bug?: ⎕SI for non function execution errors?
4.1) It appears many (all?) errors cause push a event State Indicator. Other apl interpreters I've used do not push events such as value errors or domain errors on the State Indicator. Is this intended behavior?
4.2) The GNU APL info page indicates ⎕si's arguments include 5 and 6, but these return errors on my version. Is this a documentation error?
⍝ clear workspace
⎕si 1
⎕si 2
⎕si 3
⎕si 4
⎕si 4
⎕si 5
⎕SI 5
⍝ ?? ⎕SI 5 is supposed to be valid
⍝ ?? now the state indicator is non-null
⎕si 6
⎕SI 6
⍝ ?? now the state indicator has to elements?
⎕si 1
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
⎕si 2
0 0 0 0
⎕si 3
◊[0] ◊[0] ◊[0] ◊[0]
⎕si 4
⎕SI 5 ⎕SI 6 xyzzy ⎕si 4
⎕si 5
⎕SI 5
⎕si 6
⎕SI 6
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 %
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % ./configure --includedir=/opt/local/ --with-sqlite3=/opt/local/ --with-postgresql=no
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... ./install-sh -c -d
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking build system type... i386-apple-darwin19.6.0
checking host system type... i386-apple-darwin19.6.0
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... no
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /opt/local/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/opt/local/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 196608
checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes
checking how to convert i386-apple-darwin19.6.0 file names to i386-apple-darwin19.6.0 format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert i386-apple-darwin19.6.0 file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking for archiver @FILE support... no
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /opt/local/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for mt... no
checking if : is a manifest tool... no
checking for dsymutil... dsymutil
checking for nmedit... nmedit
checking for lipo... lipo
checking for otool... otool
checking for otool64... no
checking for -single_module linker flag... yes
checking for -exported_symbols_list linker flag... yes
checking for -force_load linker flag... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fno-common -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fno-common -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... darwin19.6.0 dyld
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes
checking whether a program can dlopen itself... yes
checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself... yes
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for ld used by g++... /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... no
checking whether the g++ linker (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fno-common -DPIC
checking if g++ PIC flag -fno-common -DPIC works... yes
checking if g++ static flag -static works... no
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... darwin19.6.0 dyld
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking dependency style of g++... (cached) gcc3
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... (cached) yes
checking whether g++ accepts -rdynamic... no
checking ncurses.h usability... yes
checking ncurses.h presence... yes
checking for ncurses.h... yes
checking for term.h... yes
checking execinfo.h usability... yes
checking execinfo.h presence... yes
checking for execinfo.h... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking fftw3.h usability... no
checking fftw3.h presence... no
checking for fftw3.h... no
checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes
checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for string.h... (cached) yes
checking for strings.h... (cached) yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/un.h usability... yes
checking sys/un.h presence... yes
checking for sys/un.h... yes
checking ext/atomicity.h usability... no
checking ext/atomicity.h presence... no
checking for ext/atomicity.h... no
checking xcb/xcb.h usability... no
checking xcb/xcb.h presence... no
checking for xcb/xcb.h... no
checking utmpx.h usability... yes
checking utmpx.h presence... yes
checking for utmpx.h... yes
checking for xcb/xproto.h... no
checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... no
checking for _Bool... no
checking for inline... inline
checking for int32_t... yes
checking for int64_t... yes
checking for off_t... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for uint32_t... yes
checking for uint64_t... yes
checking for uint8_t... yes
checking for error_at_line... no
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for sys/param.h... yes
checking for getpagesize... yes
checking for working mmap... yes
checking for floor... yes
checking for memset... yes
checking for munmap... yes
checking for pow... yes
checking for sqrt... yes
checking for strchr... yes
checking for strerror... yes
checking for socket in -lsocket... no
checking for yp_all in -lnsl... no
checking for setupterm in -lncurses... yes
checking for backtrace in -lexecinfo... no
checking for acosh in -lm... yes
checking for sem_init in -lpthread... yes
checking for dlopen in -ldl... (cached) yes
checking for fftw_plan_dft in -lfftw3... no
checking for xcb_connect in -lxcb... no
checking for SQLite3 library >= 3.0.0... yes
checking for pkg-config... /opt/local/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for XCBLIBS... yes
checking for pcre2_compile_32 in -lpcre2-32... no
checking for GTK... no
checking whether CPU has rdtsc (read CPU cycle counter) opcode... yes
checking whether sem_init() works... no
checking whether pthread_setaffinity_np is available... no
checking whether OSAtomicAdd32Barrier() is available... no
checking whether atomic_add_32_nv() is available... no
checking if we are compiling for Android... no
checking if we want to build an erlang interface (implies libapl.so)... no
checking if we want to build libapl.so... no
checking if we want to build libpython_apl.so... checking whether internal performance counters shall be enabled)... no
checking whether to remember the history of APL values (debug feature)... no
checking whether gprof profiling shall be enabled... no
checking whether gcov coverage testing shall be enabled... no
checking whether dynamic logging shall be enabled... no
checking whether value flags shall be traced... no
checking how picky internal tests shall be... 1
checking security level (0=none, 1=configured in preferences, 2=all)... 0
checking how many CPU cores shall be used by APL (experimental!)... 0
checking which type of socket APserver shall use... 0
checking which port number APserver shall use for TCP or UDP sockets... 16366
checking which port name APserver shall use for unix ports... /tmp/GNU-APL/APserver
checking how long a short APL value shall be at most... 12
checking whether visible markers shall be used... no
checking whether support for rational numbers is desired ... no
checking whether we compile for an i686 CPU... no
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating build/Makefile
config.status: creating debian/Makefile
config.status: creating debian/source/Makefile
config.status: creating doc/Makefile
config.status: creating erlang/Makefile
config.status: creating erlang/apl.erl
config.status: creating gnu-apl.d/Makefile
config.status: creating gnu-apl.d/preferences
config.status: creating HOWTOs/Makefile
config.status: creating rpm/Makefile
config.status: creating rpm/apl.spec
config.status: creating src/Makefile
config.status: creating src/APs/Makefile
config.status: creating src/Gtk/Makefile
config.status: creating src/emacs_mode/Makefile
config.status: creating src/native/Makefile
config.status: creating src/sql/Makefile
config.status: creating src/testcases/Makefile
config.status: creating src/workspaces/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/105-key-International-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/Dirk/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/Dyalog-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/Jürgen-Mint-19/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/old-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/OS-X-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/Unicomp-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating support-files/WASD-Keyboard/Makefile
config.status: creating tools/Makefile
config.status: creating websock/Makefile
config.status: creating websock/client/Makefile
config.status: creating websock/server/Makefile
config.status: creating workspaces/Makefile
config.status: creating wslib3/Makefile
config.status: creating wslib4/Makefile
config.status: creating wslib5/Makefile
config.status: creating wslib5/APLComponentFiles/Makefile
config.status: creating wslib5/iso-apl-cf/Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
configure: creating ./src//buildtag.hh
svn: E155007: '/Users/jlh/.local/etc/repos/apl-1.8/src/Archive.cc' is not a working copy
configure: creating ./src/makefile.h
configure: creating ./src/configure_args.cc
configure: saving configure options in ./configure_options
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % make
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make all-recursive
Making all in workspaces
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in wslib3
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in wslib4
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in wslib5
Making all in APLComponentFiles
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in iso-apl-cf
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
Making all in build
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in doc
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in erlang
echo "nothing to be done because GNU APL was NOT configured --with-erlang"
nothing to be done because GNU APL was NOT configured --with-erlang
Making all in gnu-apl.d
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in HOWTOs
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in src
Making all in native
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_file_io_la-file_io.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_file_io_la-file_io.Tpo -c -o lib_file_io_la-file_io.lo `test -f 'file_io.cc' || echo './'`file_io.cc
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_file_io_la-file_io.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_file_io_la-file_io.Tpo -c file_io.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/lib_file_io_la-file_io.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_file_io_la-file_io.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_file_io_la-file_io.Tpo -c file_io.cc -o lib_file_io_la-file_io.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/lib_file_io_la-file_io.Tpo .deps/lib_file_io_la-file_io.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -avoid-version -o lib_file_io.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl lib_file_io_la-file_io.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_file_io.dylib .libs/lib_file_io_la-file_io.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.dylib -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_file_io.a lib_file_io_la-file_io.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_file_io.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_file_io.la" && ln -s "../lib_file_io.la" "lib_file_io.la" )
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.Tpo -c -o lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.lo `test -f 'template_F0.cc' || echo './'`template_F0.cc
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.Tpo -c template_F0.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.Tpo -c template_F0.cc -o lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.Tpo .deps/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -avoid-version -o lib_template_F0.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_template_F0.dylib .libs/lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.dylib -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_template_F0.a lib_template_F0_la-template_F0.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_template_F0.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_template_F0.la" && ln -s "../lib_template_F0.la" "lib_template_F0.la" )
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.Tpo -c -o lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.lo `test -f 'template_F12.cc' || echo './'`template_F12.cc
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.Tpo -c template_F12.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.Tpo -c template_F12.cc -o lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.Tpo .deps/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -avoid-version -o lib_template_F12.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_template_F12.dylib .libs/lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.dylib -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_template_F12.a lib_template_F12_la-template_F12.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_template_F12.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_template_F12.la" && ln -s "../lib_template_F12.la" "lib_template_F12.la" )
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.Tpo -c -o lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.lo `test -f 'template_OP1.cc' || echo './'`template_OP1.cc
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.Tpo -c template_OP1.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.Tpo -c template_OP1.cc -o lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.Tpo .deps/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -avoid-version -o lib_template_OP1.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_template_OP1.dylib .libs/lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.dylib -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_template_OP1.a lib_template_OP1_la-template_OP1.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_template_OP1.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_template_OP1.la" && ln -s "../lib_template_OP1.la" "lib_template_OP1.la" )
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.Tpo -c -o lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.lo `test -f 'template_OP2.cc' || echo './'`template_OP2.cc
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.Tpo -c template_OP2.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.Tpo -c template_OP2.cc -o lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.Tpo .deps/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.Plo
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -avoid-version -o lib_template_OP2.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_template_OP2.dylib .libs/lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.dylib -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_template_OP2.a lib_template_OP2_la-template_OP2.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_template_OP2.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_template_OP2.la" && ln -s "../lib_template_OP2.la" "lib_template_OP2.la" )
Making all in APs
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -MT AP100-AP100.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/AP100-AP100.Tpo -c -o AP100-AP100.o `test -f 'AP100.cc' || echo './'`AP100.cc
mv -f .deps/AP100-AP100.Tpo .deps/AP100-AP100.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -MT AP100-APmain.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/AP100-APmain.Tpo -c -o AP100-APmain.o `test -f 'APmain.cc' || echo './'`APmain.cc
mv -f .deps/AP100-APmain.Tpo .deps/AP100-APmain.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -MT ../AP100-Backtrace.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP100-Backtrace.Tpo -c -o ../AP100-Backtrace.o `test -f '../Backtrace.cc' || echo './'`../Backtrace.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP100-Backtrace.Tpo ../.deps/AP100-Backtrace.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -MT ../AP100-Svar_DB.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP100-Svar_DB.Tpo -c -o ../AP100-Svar_DB.o `test -f '../Svar_DB.cc' || echo './'`../Svar_DB.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP100-Svar_DB.Tpo ../.deps/AP100-Svar_DB.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -MT ../AP100-Svar_record.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP100-Svar_record.Tpo -c -o ../AP100-Svar_record.o `test -f '../Svar_record.cc' || echo './'`../Svar_record.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP100-Svar_record.Tpo ../.deps/AP100-Svar_record.Po
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -o AP100 AP100-AP100.o AP100-APmain.o ../AP100-Backtrace.o ../AP100-Svar_DB.o ../AP100-Svar_record.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=100 -g -O2 -o AP100 AP100-AP100.o AP100-APmain.o ../AP100-Backtrace.o ../AP100-Svar_DB.o ../AP100-Svar_record.o -Wl,-bind_at_load -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -MT AP210-AP210.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/AP210-AP210.Tpo -c -o AP210-AP210.o `test -f 'AP210.cc' || echo './'`AP210.cc
mv -f .deps/AP210-AP210.Tpo .deps/AP210-AP210.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -MT AP210-APmain.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/AP210-APmain.Tpo -c -o AP210-APmain.o `test -f 'APmain.cc' || echo './'`APmain.cc
mv -f .deps/AP210-APmain.Tpo .deps/AP210-APmain.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -MT ../AP210-Backtrace.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP210-Backtrace.Tpo -c -o ../AP210-Backtrace.o `test -f '../Backtrace.cc' || echo './'`../Backtrace.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP210-Backtrace.Tpo ../.deps/AP210-Backtrace.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -MT ../AP210-Svar_DB.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP210-Svar_DB.Tpo -c -o ../AP210-Svar_DB.o `test -f '../Svar_DB.cc' || echo './'`../Svar_DB.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP210-Svar_DB.Tpo ../.deps/AP210-Svar_DB.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -MT ../AP210-Svar_record.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/AP210-Svar_record.Tpo -c -o ../AP210-Svar_record.o `test -f '../Svar_record.cc' || echo './'`../Svar_record.cc
mv -f ../.deps/AP210-Svar_record.Tpo ../.deps/AP210-Svar_record.Po
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -o AP210 AP210-AP210.o AP210-APmain.o ../AP210-Backtrace.o ../AP210-Svar_DB.o ../AP210-Svar_record.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -DAP_NUM=210 -g -O2 -o AP210 AP210-AP210.o AP210-APmain.o ../AP210-Backtrace.o ../AP210-Svar_DB.o ../AP210-Svar_record.o -Wl,-bind_at_load -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT APserver-APserver.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/APserver-APserver.Tpo -c -o APserver-APserver.o `test -f 'APserver.cc' || echo './'`APserver.cc
mv -f .deps/APserver-APserver.Tpo .deps/APserver-APserver.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT APserver-Svar_DB_server.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/APserver-Svar_DB_server.Tpo -c -o APserver-Svar_DB_server.o `test -f 'Svar_DB_server.cc' || echo './'`Svar_DB_server.cc
mv -f .deps/APserver-Svar_DB_server.Tpo .deps/APserver-Svar_DB_server.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -MT ../APserver-Svar_record.o -MD -MP -MF ../.deps/APserver-Svar_record.Tpo -c -o ../APserver-Svar_record.o `test -f '../Svar_record.cc' || echo './'`../Svar_record.cc
mv -f ../.deps/APserver-Svar_record.Tpo ../.deps/APserver-Svar_record.Po
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -o APserver APserver-APserver.o APserver-Svar_DB_server.o ../APserver-Svar_record.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -I ./.. -g -O2 -g -O2 -o APserver APserver-APserver.o APserver-Svar_DB_server.o ../APserver-Svar_record.o -Wl,-bind_at_load -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
Making all in emacs_mode
depbase=`echo DefCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT DefCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o DefCommand.lo DefCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT DefCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DefCommand.Tpo -c DefCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/DefCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT DefCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DefCommand.Tpo -c DefCommand.cc -o DefCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo emacs.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT emacs.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o emacs.lo emacs.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT emacs.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/emacs.Tpo -c emacs.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/emacs.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT emacs.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/emacs.Tpo -c emacs.cc -o emacs.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo FnCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o FnCommand.lo FnCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FnCommand.Tpo -c FnCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/FnCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FnCommand.Tpo -c FnCommand.cc -o FnCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo FnTagCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnTagCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o FnTagCommand.lo FnTagCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnTagCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FnTagCommand.Tpo -c FnTagCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/FnTagCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FnTagCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FnTagCommand.Tpo -c FnTagCommand.cc -o FnTagCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo FollowCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FollowCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o FollowCommand.lo FollowCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FollowCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FollowCommand.Tpo -c FollowCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/FollowCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT FollowCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FollowCommand.Tpo -c FollowCommand.cc -o FollowCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo GetVarCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT GetVarCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o GetVarCommand.lo GetVarCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT GetVarCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/GetVarCommand.Tpo -c GetVarCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/GetVarCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT GetVarCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/GetVarCommand.Tpo -c GetVarCommand.cc -o GetVarCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo HelpCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT HelpCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o HelpCommand.lo HelpCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT HelpCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/HelpCommand.Tpo -c HelpCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/HelpCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT HelpCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/HelpCommand.Tpo -c HelpCommand.cc -o HelpCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo Listener.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT Listener.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o Listener.lo Listener.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT Listener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/Listener.Tpo -c Listener.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/Listener.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT Listener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/Listener.Tpo -c Listener.cc -o Listener.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo LockWrapper.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT LockWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o LockWrapper.lo LockWrapper.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT LockWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/LockWrapper.Tpo -c LockWrapper.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/LockWrapper.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT LockWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/LockWrapper.Tpo -c LockWrapper.cc -o LockWrapper.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo network.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT network.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o network.lo network.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT network.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/network.Tpo -c network.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/network.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT network.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/network.Tpo -c network.cc -o network.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo NetworkConnection.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT NetworkConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o NetworkConnection.lo NetworkConnection.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT NetworkConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/NetworkConnection.Tpo -c NetworkConnection.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/NetworkConnection.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT NetworkConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/NetworkConnection.Tpo -c NetworkConnection.cc -o NetworkConnection.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo RunCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT RunCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o RunCommand.lo RunCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT RunCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/RunCommand.Tpo -c RunCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/RunCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT RunCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/RunCommand.Tpo -c RunCommand.cc -o RunCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SicCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SicCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SicCommand.lo SicCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SicCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SicCommand.Tpo -c SicCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SicCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SicCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SicCommand.Tpo -c SicCommand.cc -o SicCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SiCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SiCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SiCommand.lo SiCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SiCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SiCommand.Tpo -c SiCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SiCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SiCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SiCommand.Tpo -c SiCommand.cc -o SiCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SendCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SendCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SendCommand.lo SendCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SendCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SendCommand.Tpo -c SendCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SendCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SendCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SendCommand.Tpo -c SendCommand.cc -o SendCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SystemFnCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemFnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SystemFnCommand.lo SystemFnCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemFnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SystemFnCommand.Tpo -c SystemFnCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SystemFnCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemFnCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SystemFnCommand.Tpo -c SystemFnCommand.cc -o SystemFnCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SystemVariableCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemVariableCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SystemVariableCommand.lo SystemVariableCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemVariableCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SystemVariableCommand.Tpo -c SystemVariableCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SystemVariableCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT SystemVariableCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SystemVariableCommand.Tpo -c SystemVariableCommand.cc -o SystemVariableCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo TcpListener.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TcpListener.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o TcpListener.lo TcpListener.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TcpListener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TcpListener.Tpo -c TcpListener.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/TcpListener.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TcpListener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TcpListener.Tpo -c TcpListener.cc -o TcpListener.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo TempFileWrapper.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TempFileWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o TempFileWrapper.lo TempFileWrapper.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TempFileWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TempFileWrapper.Tpo -c TempFileWrapper.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/TempFileWrapper.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TempFileWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TempFileWrapper.Tpo -c TempFileWrapper.cc -o TempFileWrapper.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo TraceData.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TraceData.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o TraceData.lo TraceData.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TraceData.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TraceData.Tpo -c TraceData.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/TraceData.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT TraceData.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/TraceData.Tpo -c TraceData.cc -o TraceData.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo UnixSocketListener.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT UnixSocketListener.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o UnixSocketListener.lo UnixSocketListener.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT UnixSocketListener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/UnixSocketListener.Tpo -c UnixSocketListener.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/UnixSocketListener.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT UnixSocketListener.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/UnixSocketListener.Tpo -c UnixSocketListener.cc -o UnixSocketListener.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo util.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT util.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o util.lo util.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT util.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/util.Tpo -c util.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/util.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT util.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/util.Tpo -c util.cc -o util.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo VariablesCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VariablesCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o VariablesCommand.lo VariablesCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VariablesCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/VariablesCommand.Tpo -c VariablesCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/VariablesCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VariablesCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/VariablesCommand.Tpo -c VariablesCommand.cc -o VariablesCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo VersionCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VersionCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o VersionCommand.lo VersionCommand.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VersionCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/VersionCommand.Tpo -c VersionCommand.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/VersionCommand.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -MT VersionCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/VersionCommand.Tpo -c VersionCommand.cc -o VersionCommand.o >/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -Wno-deprecated-declarations -g -O2 -o libemacs.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl DefCommand.lo emacs.lo FnCommand.lo FnTagCommand.lo FollowCommand.lo GetVarCommand.lo HelpCommand.lo Listener.lo LockWrapper.lo network.lo NetworkConnection.lo RunCommand.lo SicCommand.lo SiCommand.lo SendCommand.lo SystemFnCommand.lo SystemVariableCommand.lo TcpListener.lo TempFileWrapper.lo TraceData.lo UnixSocketListener.lo util.lo VariablesCommand.lo VersionCommand.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/libemacs.0.dylib .libs/DefCommand.o .libs/emacs.o .libs/FnCommand.o .libs/FnTagCommand.o .libs/FollowCommand.o .libs/GetVarCommand.o .libs/HelpCommand.o .libs/Listener.o .libs/LockWrapper.o .libs/network.o .libs/NetworkConnection.o .libs/RunCommand.o .libs/SicCommand.o .libs/SiCommand.o .libs/SendCommand.o .libs/SystemFnCommand.o .libs/SystemVariableCommand.o .libs/TcpListener.o .libs/TempFileWrapper.o .libs/TraceData.o .libs/UnixSocketListener.o .libs/util.o .libs/VariablesCommand.o .libs/VersionCommand.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.0.dylib -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1.0 -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: (cd ".libs" && rm -f "libemacs.dylib" && ln -s "libemacs.0.dylib" "libemacs.dylib")
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/libemacs.a DefCommand.o emacs.o FnCommand.o FnTagCommand.o FollowCommand.o GetVarCommand.o HelpCommand.o Listener.o LockWrapper.o network.o NetworkConnection.o RunCommand.o SicCommand.o SiCommand.o SendCommand.o SystemFnCommand.o SystemVariableCommand.o TcpListener.o TempFileWrapper.o TraceData.o UnixSocketListener.o util.o VariablesCommand.o VersionCommand.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/libemacs.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "libemacs.la" && ln -s "../libemacs.la" "libemacs.la" )
Making all in sql
depbase=`echo apl-sqlite.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-sqlite.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o apl-sqlite.lo apl-sqlite.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-sqlite.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-sqlite.Tpo -c apl-sqlite.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/apl-sqlite.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-sqlite.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-sqlite.Tpo -c apl-sqlite.cc -o apl-sqlite.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo Connection.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT Connection.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o Connection.lo Connection.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT Connection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/Connection.Tpo -c Connection.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/Connection.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT Connection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/Connection.Tpo -c Connection.cc -o Connection.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SqliteArgListBuilder.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteArgListBuilder.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SqliteArgListBuilder.lo SqliteArgListBuilder.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteArgListBuilder.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteArgListBuilder.Tpo -c SqliteArgListBuilder.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SqliteArgListBuilder.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteArgListBuilder.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteArgListBuilder.Tpo -c SqliteArgListBuilder.cc -o SqliteArgListBuilder.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SqliteConnection.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SqliteConnection.lo SqliteConnection.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteConnection.Tpo -c SqliteConnection.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SqliteConnection.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteConnection.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteConnection.Tpo -c SqliteConnection.cc -o SqliteConnection.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SqliteResultValue.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteResultValue.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SqliteResultValue.lo SqliteResultValue.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteResultValue.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteResultValue.Tpo -c SqliteResultValue.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SqliteResultValue.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteResultValue.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteResultValue.Tpo -c SqliteResultValue.cc -o SqliteResultValue.o >/dev/null 2>&1
depbase=`echo SqliteProvider.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteProvider.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o SqliteProvider.lo SqliteProvider.cc &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteProvider.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteProvider.Tpo -c SqliteProvider.cc -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/SqliteProvider.o
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT SqliteProvider.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SqliteProvider.Tpo -c SqliteProvider.cc -o SqliteProvider.o >/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -I ./.. -I ./../.. -Wno-deprecated-declarations -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -L/opt/local//lib -lsqlite3 -o lib_sql.la -rpath /usr/local/lib/apl apl-sqlite.lo Connection.lo SqliteArgListBuilder.lo SqliteConnection.lo SqliteResultValue.lo SqliteProvider.lo -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -dynamiclib -Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup -o .libs/lib_sql.0.dylib .libs/apl-sqlite.o .libs/Connection.o .libs/SqliteArgListBuilder.o .libs/SqliteConnection.o .libs/SqliteResultValue.o .libs/SqliteProvider.o -L/opt/local//lib -lsqlite3 -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -O2 -install_name /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.0.dylib -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1.0 -Wl,-single_module
libtool: link: (cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_sql.dylib" && ln -s "lib_sql.0.dylib" "lib_sql.dylib")
libtool: link: ar cru .libs/lib_sql.a apl-sqlite.o Connection.o SqliteArgListBuilder.o SqliteConnection.o SqliteResultValue.o SqliteProvider.o
libtool: link: ranlib .libs/lib_sql.a
libtool: link: ( cd ".libs" && rm -f "lib_sql.la" && ln -s "../lib_sql.la" "lib_sql.la" )
Making all in workspaces
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-main.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-main.Tpo -c -o apl-main.o `test -f 'main.cc' || echo './'`main.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-main.Tpo .deps/apl-main.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Archive.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Archive.Tpo -c -o apl-Archive.o `test -f 'Archive.cc' || echo './'`Archive.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Archive.Tpo .deps/apl-Archive.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Assert.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Assert.Tpo -c -o apl-Assert.o `test -f 'Assert.cc' || echo './'`Assert.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Assert.Tpo .deps/apl-Assert.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Avec.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Avec.Tpo -c -o apl-Avec.o `test -f 'Avec.cc' || echo './'`Avec.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Avec.Tpo .deps/apl-Avec.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Backtrace.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Backtrace.Tpo -c -o apl-Backtrace.o `test -f 'Backtrace.cc' || echo './'`Backtrace.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Backtrace.Tpo .deps/apl-Backtrace.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.o `test -f 'Bif_F12_FORMAT.cc' || echo './'`Bif_F12_FORMAT.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_F12_SORT.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_F12_SORT.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_F12_SORT.o `test -f 'Bif_F12_SORT.cc' || echo './'`Bif_F12_SORT.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_F12_SORT.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_F12_SORT.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.o `test -f 'Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.cc' || echo './'`Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER1_EACH.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER1_EACH.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER2_POWER.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER2_POWER.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER2_INNER.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER2_INNER.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER2_OUTER.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER2_OUTER.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER2_RANK.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER2_RANK.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.Tpo -c -o apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.o `test -f 'Bif_OPER1_SCAN.cc' || echo './'`Bif_OPER1_SCAN.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.Tpo .deps/apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-CDR.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-CDR.Tpo -c -o apl-CDR.o `test -f 'CDR.cc' || echo './'`CDR.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-CDR.Tpo .deps/apl-CDR.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Cell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Cell.Tpo -c -o apl-Cell.o `test -f 'Cell.cc' || echo './'`Cell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Cell.Tpo .deps/apl-Cell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Doxy.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Doxy.Tpo -c -o apl-Doxy.o `test -f 'Doxy.cc' || echo './'`Doxy.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Doxy.Tpo .deps/apl-Doxy.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-CharCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-CharCell.Tpo -c -o apl-CharCell.o `test -f 'CharCell.cc' || echo './'`CharCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-CharCell.Tpo .deps/apl-CharCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Command.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Command.Tpo -c -o apl-Command.o `test -f 'Command.cc' || echo './'`Command.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Command.Tpo .deps/apl-Command.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Common.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Common.Tpo -c -o apl-Common.o `test -f 'Common.cc' || echo './'`Common.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Common.Tpo .deps/apl-Common.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-ComplexCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-ComplexCell.Tpo -c -o apl-ComplexCell.o `test -f 'ComplexCell.cc' || echo './'`ComplexCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-ComplexCell.Tpo .deps/apl-ComplexCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-configure_args.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-configure_args.Tpo -c -o apl-configure_args.o `test -f 'configure_args.cc' || echo './'`configure_args.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-configure_args.Tpo .deps/apl-configure_args.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-DiffOut.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-DiffOut.Tpo -c -o apl-DiffOut.o `test -f 'DiffOut.cc' || echo './'`DiffOut.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-DiffOut.Tpo .deps/apl-DiffOut.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-DynamicObject.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-DynamicObject.Tpo -c -o apl-DynamicObject.o `test -f 'DynamicObject.cc' || echo './'`DynamicObject.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-DynamicObject.Tpo .deps/apl-DynamicObject.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Error.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Error.Tpo -c -o apl-Error.o `test -f 'Error.cc' || echo './'`Error.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Error.Tpo .deps/apl-Error.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Executable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Executable.Tpo -c -o apl-Executable.o `test -f 'Executable.cc' || echo './'`Executable.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Executable.Tpo .deps/apl-Executable.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-FloatCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-FloatCell.Tpo -c -o apl-FloatCell.o `test -f 'FloatCell.cc' || echo './'`FloatCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-FloatCell.Tpo .deps/apl-FloatCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Function.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Function.Tpo -c -o apl-Function.o `test -f 'Function.cc' || echo './'`Function.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Function.Tpo .deps/apl-Function.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-DerivedFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-DerivedFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-DerivedFunction.o `test -f 'DerivedFunction.cc' || echo './'`DerivedFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-DerivedFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-DerivedFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Id.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Id.Tpo -c -o apl-Id.o `test -f 'Id.cc' || echo './'`Id.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Id.Tpo .deps/apl-Id.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-IndexExpr.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-IndexExpr.Tpo -c -o apl-IndexExpr.o `test -f 'IndexExpr.cc' || echo './'`IndexExpr.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-IndexExpr.Tpo .deps/apl-IndexExpr.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-IndexIterator.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-IndexIterator.Tpo -c -o apl-IndexIterator.o `test -f 'IndexIterator.cc' || echo './'`IndexIterator.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-IndexIterator.Tpo .deps/apl-IndexIterator.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-InputFile.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-InputFile.Tpo -c -o apl-InputFile.o `test -f 'InputFile.cc' || echo './'`InputFile.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-InputFile.Tpo .deps/apl-InputFile.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-IntCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-IntCell.Tpo -c -o apl-IntCell.o `test -f 'IntCell.cc' || echo './'`IntCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-IntCell.Tpo .deps/apl-IntCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-IO_Files.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-IO_Files.Tpo -c -o apl-IO_Files.o `test -f 'IO_Files.cc' || echo './'`IO_Files.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-IO_Files.Tpo .deps/apl-IO_Files.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-LApack.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-LApack.Tpo -c -o apl-LApack.o `test -f 'LApack.cc' || echo './'`LApack.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-LApack.Tpo .deps/apl-LApack.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-LibPaths.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-LibPaths.Tpo -c -o apl-LibPaths.o `test -f 'LibPaths.cc' || echo './'`LibPaths.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-LibPaths.Tpo .deps/apl-LibPaths.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-LineInput.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-LineInput.Tpo -c -o apl-LineInput.o `test -f 'LineInput.cc' || echo './'`LineInput.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-LineInput.Tpo .deps/apl-LineInput.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Logging.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Logging.Tpo -c -o apl-Logging.o `test -f 'Logging.cc' || echo './'`Logging.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Logging.Tpo .deps/apl-Logging.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-LvalCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-LvalCell.Tpo -c -o apl-LvalCell.o `test -f 'LvalCell.cc' || echo './'`LvalCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-LvalCell.Tpo .deps/apl-LvalCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Malloc_hooks.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Malloc_hooks.Tpo -c -o apl-Malloc_hooks.o `test -f 'Malloc_hooks.cc' || echo './'`Malloc_hooks.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Malloc_hooks.Tpo .deps/apl-Malloc_hooks.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Nabla.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Nabla.Tpo -c -o apl-Nabla.o `test -f 'Nabla.cc' || echo './'`Nabla.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Nabla.Tpo .deps/apl-Nabla.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Macro.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Macro.Tpo -c -o apl-Macro.o `test -f 'Macro.cc' || echo './'`Macro.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Macro.Tpo .deps/apl-Macro.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-NamedObject.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-NamedObject.Tpo -c -o apl-NamedObject.o `test -f 'NamedObject.cc' || echo './'`NamedObject.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-NamedObject.Tpo .deps/apl-NamedObject.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-NativeFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-NativeFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-NativeFunction.o `test -f 'NativeFunction.cc' || echo './'`NativeFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-NativeFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-NativeFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-NumericCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-NumericCell.Tpo -c -o apl-NumericCell.o `test -f 'NumericCell.cc' || echo './'`NumericCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-NumericCell.Tpo .deps/apl-NumericCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Output.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Output.Tpo -c -o apl-Output.o `test -f 'Output.cc' || echo './'`Output.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Output.Tpo .deps/apl-Output.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Parser.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Parser.Tpo -c -o apl-Parser.o `test -f 'Parser.cc' || echo './'`Parser.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Parser.Tpo .deps/apl-Parser.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Prefix.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Prefix.Tpo -c -o apl-Prefix.o `test -f 'Prefix.cc' || echo './'`Prefix.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Prefix.Tpo .deps/apl-Prefix.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-PointerCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-PointerCell.Tpo -c -o apl-PointerCell.o `test -f 'PointerCell.cc' || echo './'`PointerCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-PointerCell.Tpo .deps/apl-PointerCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-PrimitiveFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-PrimitiveFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-PrimitiveFunction.o `test -f 'PrimitiveFunction.cc' || echo './'`PrimitiveFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-PrimitiveFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-PrimitiveFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-PrimitiveOperator.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-PrimitiveOperator.Tpo -c -o apl-PrimitiveOperator.o `test -f 'PrimitiveOperator.cc' || echo './'`PrimitiveOperator.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-PrimitiveOperator.Tpo .deps/apl-PrimitiveOperator.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-PrintBuffer.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-PrintBuffer.Tpo -c -o apl-PrintBuffer.o `test -f 'PrintBuffer.cc' || echo './'`PrintBuffer.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-PrintBuffer.Tpo .deps/apl-PrintBuffer.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-QuadFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-QuadFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-QuadFunction.o `test -f 'QuadFunction.cc' || echo './'`QuadFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-QuadFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-QuadFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-ProcessorID.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-ProcessorID.Tpo -c -o apl-ProcessorID.o `test -f 'ProcessorID.cc' || echo './'`ProcessorID.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-ProcessorID.Tpo .deps/apl-ProcessorID.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_CR.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_CR.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_CR.o `test -f 'Quad_CR.cc' || echo './'`Quad_CR.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_CR.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_CR.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_DLX.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_DLX.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_DLX.o `test -f 'Quad_DLX.cc' || echo './'`Quad_DLX.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_DLX.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_DLX.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_FFT.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_FFT.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_FFT.o `test -f 'Quad_FFT.cc' || echo './'`Quad_FFT.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_FFT.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_FFT.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_FIO.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_FIO.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_FIO.o `test -f 'Quad_FIO.cc' || echo './'`Quad_FIO.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_FIO.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_FIO.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_FX.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_FX.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_FX.o `test -f 'Quad_FX.cc' || echo './'`Quad_FX.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_FX.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_FX.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_GTK.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_GTK.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_GTK.o `test -f 'Quad_GTK.cc' || echo './'`Quad_GTK.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_GTK.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_GTK.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_PLOT.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_PLOT.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_PLOT.o `test -f 'Quad_PLOT.cc' || echo './'`Quad_PLOT.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_PLOT.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_PLOT.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_RE.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_RE.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_RE.o `test -f 'Quad_RE.cc' || echo './'`Quad_RE.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_RE.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_RE.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_RL.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_RL.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_RL.o `test -f 'Quad_RL.cc' || echo './'`Quad_RL.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_RL.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_RL.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_SQL.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_SQL.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_SQL.o `test -f 'Quad_SQL.cc' || echo './'`Quad_SQL.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_SQL.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_SQL.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_SVx.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_SVx.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_SVx.o `test -f 'Quad_SVx.cc' || echo './'`Quad_SVx.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_SVx.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_SVx.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_TF.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_TF.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_TF.o `test -f 'Quad_TF.cc' || echo './'`Quad_TF.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_TF.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_TF.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Quad_WA.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Quad_WA.Tpo -c -o apl-Quad_WA.o `test -f 'Quad_WA.cc' || echo './'`Quad_WA.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Quad_WA.Tpo .deps/apl-Quad_WA.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Parallel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Parallel.Tpo -c -o apl-Parallel.o `test -f 'Parallel.cc' || echo './'`Parallel.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Parallel.Tpo .deps/apl-Parallel.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Performance.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Performance.Tpo -c -o apl-Performance.o `test -f 'Performance.cc' || echo './'`Performance.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Performance.Tpo .deps/apl-Performance.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-RealCell.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-RealCell.Tpo -c -o apl-RealCell.o `test -f 'RealCell.cc' || echo './'`RealCell.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-RealCell.Tpo .deps/apl-RealCell.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-sbrk.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-sbrk.Tpo -c -o apl-sbrk.o `test -f 'sbrk.cc' || echo './'`sbrk.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-sbrk.Tpo .deps/apl-sbrk.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Shape.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Shape.Tpo -c -o apl-Shape.o `test -f 'Shape.cc' || echo './'`Shape.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Shape.Tpo .deps/apl-Shape.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-ScalarFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-ScalarFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-ScalarFunction.o `test -f 'ScalarFunction.cc' || echo './'`ScalarFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-ScalarFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-ScalarFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Security.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Security.Tpo -c -o apl-Security.o `test -f 'Security.cc' || echo './'`Security.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Security.Tpo .deps/apl-Security.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-StateIndicator.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-StateIndicator.Tpo -c -o apl-StateIndicator.o `test -f 'StateIndicator.cc' || echo './'`StateIndicator.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-StateIndicator.Tpo .deps/apl-StateIndicator.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Svar_DB.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Svar_DB.Tpo -c -o apl-Svar_DB.o `test -f 'Svar_DB.cc' || echo './'`Svar_DB.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Svar_DB.Tpo .deps/apl-Svar_DB.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Svar_record.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Svar_record.Tpo -c -o apl-Svar_record.o `test -f 'Svar_record.cc' || echo './'`Svar_record.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Svar_record.Tpo .deps/apl-Svar_record.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Symbol.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Symbol.Tpo -c -o apl-Symbol.o `test -f 'Symbol.cc' || echo './'`Symbol.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Symbol.Tpo .deps/apl-Symbol.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-SymbolTable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-SymbolTable.Tpo -c -o apl-SymbolTable.o `test -f 'SymbolTable.cc' || echo './'`SymbolTable.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-SymbolTable.Tpo .deps/apl-SymbolTable.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-SystemVariable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-SystemVariable.Tpo -c -o apl-SystemVariable.o `test -f 'SystemVariable.cc' || echo './'`SystemVariable.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-SystemVariable.Tpo .deps/apl-SystemVariable.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-TabExpansion.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-TabExpansion.Tpo -c -o apl-TabExpansion.o `test -f 'TabExpansion.cc' || echo './'`TabExpansion.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-TabExpansion.Tpo .deps/apl-TabExpansion.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Thread_context.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Thread_context.Tpo -c -o apl-Thread_context.o `test -f 'Thread_context.cc' || echo './'`Thread_context.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Thread_context.Tpo .deps/apl-Thread_context.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Token.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Token.Tpo -c -o apl-Token.o `test -f 'Token.cc' || echo './'`Token.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Token.Tpo .deps/apl-Token.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Tokenizer.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Tokenizer.Tpo -c -o apl-Tokenizer.o `test -f 'Tokenizer.cc' || echo './'`Tokenizer.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Tokenizer.Tpo .deps/apl-Tokenizer.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UCS_string.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UCS_string.Tpo -c -o apl-UCS_string.o `test -f 'UCS_string.cc' || echo './'`UCS_string.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UCS_string.Tpo .deps/apl-UCS_string.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UCS_string_vector.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UCS_string_vector.Tpo -c -o apl-UCS_string_vector.o `test -f 'UCS_string_vector.cc' || echo './'`UCS_string_vector.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UCS_string_vector.Tpo .deps/apl-UCS_string_vector.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UserFunction.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UserFunction.Tpo -c -o apl-UserFunction.o `test -f 'UserFunction.cc' || echo './'`UserFunction.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UserFunction.Tpo .deps/apl-UserFunction.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UserFunction_header.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UserFunction_header.Tpo -c -o apl-UserFunction_header.o `test -f 'UserFunction_header.cc' || echo './'`UserFunction_header.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UserFunction_header.Tpo .deps/apl-UserFunction_header.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UserPreferences.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UserPreferences.Tpo -c -o apl-UserPreferences.o `test -f 'UserPreferences.cc' || echo './'`UserPreferences.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UserPreferences.Tpo .deps/apl-UserPreferences.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-UTF8_string.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-UTF8_string.Tpo -c -o apl-UTF8_string.o `test -f 'UTF8_string.cc' || echo './'`UTF8_string.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-UTF8_string.Tpo .deps/apl-UTF8_string.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Value.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Value.Tpo -c -o apl-Value.o `test -f 'Value.cc' || echo './'`Value.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Value.Tpo .deps/apl-Value.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-ValueHistory.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-ValueHistory.Tpo -c -o apl-ValueHistory.o `test -f 'ValueHistory.cc' || echo './'`ValueHistory.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-ValueHistory.Tpo .deps/apl-ValueHistory.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-Workspace.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-Workspace.Tpo -c -o apl-Workspace.o `test -f 'Workspace.cc' || echo './'`Workspace.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-Workspace.Tpo .deps/apl-Workspace.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT apl-static_Objects.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/apl-static_Objects.Tpo -c -o apl-static_Objects.o `test -f 'static_Objects.cc' || echo './'`static_Objects.cc
mv -f .deps/apl-static_Objects.Tpo .deps/apl-static_Objects.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT sql/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.o -MD -MP -MF sql/.deps/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.Tpo -c -o sql/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.o `test -f 'sql/SqliteArgListBuilder.cc' || echo './'`sql/SqliteArgListBuilder.cc
mv -f sql/.deps/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.Tpo sql/.deps/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT sql/apl-SqliteConnection.o -MD -MP -MF sql/.deps/apl-SqliteConnection.Tpo -c -o sql/apl-SqliteConnection.o `test -f 'sql/SqliteConnection.cc' || echo './'`sql/SqliteConnection.cc
mv -f sql/.deps/apl-SqliteConnection.Tpo sql/.deps/apl-SqliteConnection.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT sql/apl-SqliteResultValue.o -MD -MP -MF sql/.deps/apl-SqliteResultValue.Tpo -c -o sql/apl-SqliteResultValue.o `test -f 'sql/SqliteResultValue.cc' || echo './'`sql/SqliteResultValue.cc
mv -f sql/.deps/apl-SqliteResultValue.Tpo sql/.deps/apl-SqliteResultValue.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT sql/apl-SqliteProvider.o -MD -MP -MF sql/.deps/apl-SqliteProvider.Tpo -c -o sql/apl-SqliteProvider.o `test -f 'sql/SqliteProvider.cc' || echo './'`sql/SqliteProvider.cc
mv -f sql/.deps/apl-SqliteProvider.Tpo sql/.deps/apl-SqliteProvider.Po
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -MT sql/apl-Connection.o -MD -MP -MF sql/.deps/apl-Connection.Tpo -c -o sql/apl-Connection.o `test -f 'sql/Connection.cc' || echo './'`sql/Connection.cc
mv -f sql/.deps/apl-Connection.Tpo sql/.deps/apl-Connection.Po
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -L/opt/local//lib -lsqlite3 -o apl apl-main.o apl-Archive.o apl-Assert.o apl-Avec.o apl-Backtrace.o apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.o apl-Bif_F12_SORT.o apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.o apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.o apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.o apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.o apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.o apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.o apl-CDR.o apl-Cell.o apl-Doxy.o apl-CharCell.o apl-Command.o apl-Common.o apl-ComplexCell.o apl-configure_args.o apl-DiffOut.o apl-DynamicObject.o apl-Error.o apl-Executable.o apl-FloatCell.o apl-Function.o apl-DerivedFunction.o apl-Id.o apl-IndexExpr.o apl-IndexIterator.o apl-InputFile.o apl-IntCell.o apl-IO_Files.o apl-LApack.o apl-LibPaths.o apl-LineInput.o apl-Logging.o apl-LvalCell.o apl-Malloc_hooks.o apl-Nabla.o apl-Macro.o apl-NamedObject.o apl-NativeFunction.o apl-NumericCell.o apl-Output.o apl-Parser.o apl-Prefix.o apl-PointerCell.o apl-PrimitiveFunction.o apl-PrimitiveOperator.o apl-PrintBuffer.o apl-QuadFunction.o apl-ProcessorID.o apl-Quad_CR.o apl-Quad_DLX.o apl-Quad_FFT.o apl-Quad_FIO.o apl-Quad_FX.o apl-Quad_GTK.o apl-Quad_PLOT.o apl-Quad_RE.o apl-Quad_RL.o apl-Quad_SQL.o apl-Quad_SVx.o apl-Quad_TF.o apl-Quad_WA.o apl-Parallel.o apl-Performance.o apl-RealCell.o apl-sbrk.o apl-Shape.o apl-ScalarFunction.o apl-Security.o apl-StateIndicator.o apl-Svar_DB.o apl-Svar_record.o apl-Symbol.o apl-SymbolTable.o apl-SystemVariable.o apl-TabExpansion.o apl-Thread_context.o apl-Token.o apl-Tokenizer.o apl-UCS_string.o apl-UCS_string_vector.o apl-UserFunction.o apl-UserFunction_header.o apl-UserPreferences.o apl-UTF8_string.o apl-Value.o apl-ValueHistory.o apl-Workspace.o apl-static_Objects.o sql/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.o sql/apl-SqliteConnection.o sql/apl-SqliteResultValue.o sql/apl-SqliteProvider.o sql/apl-Connection.o -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
libtool: link: g++ -Wall -I sql -Werror -I/opt/local//include -g -O2 -o apl apl-main.o apl-Archive.o apl-Assert.o apl-Avec.o apl-Backtrace.o apl-Bif_F12_FORMAT.o apl-Bif_F12_SORT.o apl-Bif_F12_TAKE_DROP.o apl-Bif_OPER1_COMMUTE.o apl-Bif_OPER1_EACH.o apl-Bif_OPER2_POWER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_INNER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_OUTER.o apl-Bif_OPER2_RANK.o apl-Bif_OPER1_REDUCE.o apl-Bif_OPER1_SCAN.o apl-CDR.o apl-Cell.o apl-Doxy.o apl-CharCell.o apl-Command.o apl-Common.o apl-ComplexCell.o apl-configure_args.o apl-DiffOut.o apl-DynamicObject.o apl-Error.o apl-Executable.o apl-FloatCell.o apl-Function.o apl-DerivedFunction.o apl-Id.o apl-IndexExpr.o apl-IndexIterator.o apl-InputFile.o apl-IntCell.o apl-IO_Files.o apl-LApack.o apl-LibPaths.o apl-LineInput.o apl-Logging.o apl-LvalCell.o apl-Malloc_hooks.o apl-Nabla.o apl-Macro.o apl-NamedObject.o apl-NativeFunction.o apl-NumericCell.o apl-Output.o apl-Parser.o apl-Prefix.o apl-PointerCell.o apl-PrimitiveFunction.o apl-PrimitiveOperator.o apl-PrintBuffer.o apl-QuadFunction.o apl-ProcessorID.o apl-Quad_CR.o apl-Quad_DLX.o apl-Quad_FFT.o apl-Quad_FIO.o apl-Quad_FX.o apl-Quad_GTK.o apl-Quad_PLOT.o apl-Quad_RE.o apl-Quad_RL.o apl-Quad_SQL.o apl-Quad_SVx.o apl-Quad_TF.o apl-Quad_WA.o apl-Parallel.o apl-Performance.o apl-RealCell.o apl-sbrk.o apl-Shape.o apl-ScalarFunction.o apl-Security.o apl-StateIndicator.o apl-Svar_DB.o apl-Svar_record.o apl-Symbol.o apl-SymbolTable.o apl-SystemVariable.o apl-TabExpansion.o apl-Thread_context.o apl-Token.o apl-Tokenizer.o apl-UCS_string.o apl-UCS_string_vector.o apl-UserFunction.o apl-UserFunction_header.o apl-UserPreferences.o apl-UTF8_string.o apl-Value.o apl-ValueHistory.o apl-Workspace.o apl-static_Objects.o sql/apl-SqliteArgListBuilder.o sql/apl-SqliteConnection.o sql/apl-SqliteResultValue.o sql/apl-SqliteProvider.o sql/apl-Connection.o -Wl,-bind_at_load -L/opt/local//lib -lsqlite3 -ldl -lpthread -lm -lncurses
Making all in support-files
Making all in Dyalog-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in Dirk
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in Jürgen-Mint-19
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in old-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in OS-X-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in Unicomp-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in WASD-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in 105-key-International-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
Making all in tools
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in websock
Making all in client
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in server
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % sudo make install
Making install in workspaces
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/workspaces'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 APL_CGI.apl RUBIK.apl SCRIPT.apl ScalarBenchmark.apl gnuplot.apl '/usr/local/lib/apl/workspaces'
Making install in wslib3
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib3'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 meta.apl '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib3'
Making install in wslib4
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib4'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 dummy.apl '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib4'
Making install in wslib5
Making install in APLComponentFiles
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5/APLComponentFiles'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 AUTHORS LAST_GIT_PULL CF_README.txt LICENSE README_FIRST.txt SQL_README.txt ComponentFiles.apl README.md '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5/APLComponentFiles'
Making install in iso-apl-cf
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5/iso-apl-cf'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 AUTHORS LAST_GIT_PULL README.md _control_.apl _metadata_ iso_cf.apl perf.apl test.apl '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5/iso-apl-cf'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 HTML.apl FILE_IO.apl SQL.apl '/usr/local/lib/apl/wslib5'
Making install in build
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in doc
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 apl.1 apl.texi apl.info apl.html libapl.texi libapl.info PLOT_circle.png PLOT_zigzag.png libapl.html '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
.././install-sh -c -d /usr/local/share/info
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./apl.info ./libapl.info /usr/local/share/info
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/man/man1'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 apl.1 '/usr/local/share/man/man1'
Making install in erlang
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in gnu-apl.d
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 preferences keyboard1.txt parallel_thresholds '/usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d'
Making install in HOWTOs
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 APL-on-Macintosh.pdf APL-Communication-Cookbook.html Quad-GTK.html GNU-APL-Memory-Management.html glade-0.png glade-1.png glade-2.png glade-3.png glade-4.png '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
Making install in src
Making install in native
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl'
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c lib_file_io.la lib_template_F0.la lib_template_F12.la lib_template_OP1.la lib_template_OP2.la '/usr/local/lib/apl'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_file_io.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.dylib
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_file_io.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F0.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.dylib
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F0.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F12.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.dylib
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F12.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP1.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.dylib
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP1.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP2.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.dylib
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP2.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_file_io.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_file_io.a
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F0.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F0.a
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_F12.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_F12.a
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP1.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP1.a
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_template_OP2.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_template_OP2.a
Making install in APs
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/bin'
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c AP100 AP210 APserver '/usr/local/bin'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c AP100 /usr/local/bin/AP100
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c AP210 /usr/local/bin/AP210
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c APserver /usr/local/bin/APserver
Making install in emacs_mode
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl'
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c libemacs.la '/usr/local/lib/apl'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libemacs.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.0.dylib
libtool: install: (cd /usr/local/lib/apl && { ln -s -f libemacs.0.dylib libemacs.dylib || { rm -f libemacs.dylib && ln -s libemacs.0.dylib libemacs.dylib; }; })
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libemacs.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libemacs.a /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/libemacs.a
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in sql
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib/apl'
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c lib_sql.la '/usr/local/lib/apl'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_sql.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.0.dylib
libtool: install: (cd /usr/local/lib/apl && { ln -s -f lib_sql.0.dylib lib_sql.dylib || { rm -f lib_sql.dylib && ln -s lib_sql.0.dylib lib_sql.dylib; }; })
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_sql.lai /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.la
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/lib_sql.a /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.a
libtool: install: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.a
libtool: install: ranlib /usr/local/lib/apl/lib_sql.a
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 SQL.apl '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
Making install in workspaces
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/bin'
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c apl '/usr/local/bin'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c apl /usr/local/bin/apl
Making install in support-files
Making install in Dyalog-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in Dirk
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in Jürgen-Mint-19
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in old-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in OS-X-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in Unicomp-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in WASD-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in 105-key-International-Keyboard
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in tools
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in websock
Making install in client
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 apl_js.html APL_keyboard.html APL_keyboard2.html '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
Making install in server
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 apl_js.apache2 wsock.js '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
.././install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 README '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
./install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/etc'
./install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 gnu-apl.d/preferences '/usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d'
./install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 README README-1-prerequisites README-2-configure README-3-keyboard README-4-compliance README-5-WINDOWS README-6-porting README-7-more-info README-8-parallel README-9-post-installation README-10-python '/usr/local/share/doc/apl'
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % apl
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / Unversioned directory
Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
⎕plot ''
⎕PLOT ''
Session duration: 41.9975 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 %
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 % apl
::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / Unversioned directory
Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
[1] 'hello'
[2] ∇
)wsid hello
)save hello
2021-02-23 14:00:46 (GMT-5)
)load hello
WARNING: this workspace was )SAVEd with a VERY old SVN version of GNU APL.
Expect problems, in particular when the )SI was not clear.
In case of problems, please try )COPY instead of )LOAD.
SAVED 2021-02-23 14:00:46 (GMT-5)
Session duration: 264.45 seconds
jlh@MacBook-XNOR apl-1.8 %
Exhibit 1
Dyalog APL/S-64 Version 18.0.39712
Serial number: UNREGISTERED - not for commercial use
| Dyalog is free for non-commercial use but is not free software. |
| A non-commercial licence can be used for experiments and |
| proof of concept until the point in time that it is of value. |
| For further information visit |
| https://www.dyalog.com/prices-and-licences.htm |
Tue Feb 23 17:52:58 2021
Rebuilding user command cache... done
DOMAIN ERROR: Divide by zero
⍝ state indicator empty
]Disp ⎕si
│ │
Exhibit 2
APLX for Macintosh
Copyright (C) 2001-2011 MicroAPL Ltd
WS Size = 100MB, Version = 5.1.0
π state indicator is empty
⎕display ⎕si
| |
Exhibit 3
This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer.
To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default).
APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also
activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which
allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period).
There are several customisation options that can be set.
Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up.
To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil.
Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:53734
::connect() to supposedly existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.8 / 1439M
Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: /usr/local/bin/apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
⍝ state indicator not empty
4 ⎕cr ⎕si ¨⍳4
┃┏→━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃
┃┃┏→┓ ┏→┓ ┏→┓┃ ┃0 0 0┃ ┃┏→━━━┓ ┏→━━━┓ ┏→━━━┓┃ ┃┏→━━━━━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏→━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃┃
┃┃┃◊┃ ┃◊┃ ┃◊┃┃ ┗━━━━━┛ ┃┃◊[0]┃ ┃◊[0]┃ ┃◊[0]┃┃ ┃┃ 1÷0┃ ┃ 4 ⎕CR ⎕SI┃ ┃4 ⎕cr ⎕si ¨⍳4┃┃┃
┃┃┗━┛ ┗━┛ ┗━┛┃ ┃┗━━━━┛ ┗━━━━┛ ┗━━━━┛┃ ┃┗━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛┃┃
┃┗∊━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗∊━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗∊━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛┃
[Prev in Thread] | Current Thread | [Next in Thread] |