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Re: Bug in Autoconf file

From: Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
Subject: Re: Bug in Autoconf file
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:59:49 +0100
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Hi Gylfi,

thanks, fixed in SVN 1440.

Please keep in mind that the rational number feature is a rarely used one.
Therefore the probability of errors in their implementation is somewhat
higher than for normal floating point numbers.

Best Regards,

On 2/26/21 3:43 PM, Gylfi wrote:

I've encountered a minor bug in the configure script. I was trying to enable rational number support but the configure script kept reporting that rational numbers were not desired. It looks to me like setting RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED=yes does in fact enable this feature, it's just not being reported. I believe the problem is in this snippet: (line 665 in configure.ac)

# APL: support for rational numbers ?
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether support for rational numbers is desired ])
   [ enable support for rational numbers (see README-2-configure) default: no ])
if test "x$RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED" = "xyes"; then
                   [ define to have support for rational numbers (EXPERIMENTAL!)])

At the bottom, the argument to AC_MSG_RESULT is $VISIBLE_MARKERS_WANTED where it seems to me it should be $RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED (VISIBLE_MARKERS_WANTED is the previous option, maybe this block was duplicated and the AC_MSG_RESULT line was accidentally left unchanged). Indeed, after making these changes and generating a new configure script, the output changes depending on RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED, as expected.

Best regards,

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