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Re: better apl array coding

From: Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
Subject: Re: better apl array coding
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 12:35:25 +0200
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the biggest problem with your old loop code is its quadratic runtime.

The statement

rs←rs,ar[a[i]; b[i]]
takes more and more time as rs grows. GNU APL has occasionally been
blamed for being slow, but in most cases the above coding pattern was
the real reason. A faster way in your old loop code is to:


before the loop and then

rs[i]←ar[a[i]; b[i]]

inside the loop, which takes only linear time.

In general: never use , or ⍪ inside a (long) loop, even
though the code may look more intuitive or elegant.

Best Regards,

On 6/16/21 4:39 AM, enztec@gmx.com wrote:

thanks for this code - first time actually using ¨ and ⌷

in my comparison test on an old hp dual core linux machine - with only mplayer running
with ⍴a and ⍴b 29882 chars

according to ⎕ts   my loop code takes ~39 seconds to put results into rs
2021 6 15 19 46 11 277
2021 6 15 19 46 50 354

and the new code takes ~50 msec to put results into rs1    yes msec vs seconds   what is that 39000 msec vs 59 msec
2021 6 15 19 46 50 354
2021 6 15 19 46 50 404

+/rs1=rs    and rs and rs1 don't exist before running them in fns


the only problem i have is in a fresh ws running the )copy as

⍎')copy mn9     mn9 is a file which has a string of 29882 chars assigned to mn9←'xxxxx' in it
a←mn9             gives mn9 value error consistently - though when i check the )vars it is there and complete - running it in ram drive has no effect

the unquoted ')copy'  doesn't actually finish coping the file into the ws as fast as the code returns and goes to the next line

no real problem as i usually hard code the sequnces (cutnpaste) into the script - but with some in the 100K range i will have to do the )copy manually and run in workspace

thank you for giving me this code - much appreciated

On Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:20:27 +0200
Dr. Jürgen Sauermann <mail@xn--jrgen-sauermann-zvb.de> wrote:


how about:

11 22 33 44 44 33 22 11

Best Regards,

On 6/15/21 2:45 AM, enztec@gmx.com wrote:

i've been using this looping for array work but there has to be a better apl way of coding the indexing of the ar array
any suggestions

+ar←4 4⍴11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44
'a '
+a←1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
'b '
+b←1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
rs←rs,ar[a[i]; b[i]]


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