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Re: apl 1474 problem

From: Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
Subject: Re: apl 1474 problem
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 13:13:46 +0200
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thanks, fixed in SVN 1475.

Best Regards,

On 6/20/21 3:11 AM, enztec@gmx.com wrote:

i was able to compile the apl/libapl 1474 on a number of different computers and all exhibit the same problem with doing ⍳10001 in ws/script/libapl c code

32 bit debian vitural in a 32 bit linux/intel cpu

64 bit debian on rasp p/rpi3b/arm64

64 debian on amd64

32 bit linux on 64bit hp/intel cpu

32 bit debian on rasp pi zero/arm32

⍳10000     is good

⍳10001   in ws and script gives glibc memory problem - i have attached an strace log of the script      the script is just ⍳10001 and libapl c code is just apl_exec("⍳10001");

with 1182 only the libapl/c code crashes with Floating point exception. (ws and script are good)

the only computer that crashes with libapl/c code is the 32bit linux and it gives
apl_exec("''");    gives black line
apl_exec("'a'");  gives  Floating point exception.

any place to start looking at at this would be great


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