This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer. To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default). APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period). There are several customisation options that can be set. Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up. To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil. pclose(APserver) returned error:No child processes Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:34503 )load 1 apl_bkd )LOAD apl_bkd (file /home/dalyw/wslib1/apl_bkd) failed: No such file or directory kbd_on VALUE ERROR kbd_on ^ )fns k )load 1 apl_kbd DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-10-22 12:06:58 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) DUMPED 2021-11-15 15:06:34 (GMT-5) kdb_on VALUE ERROR kdb_on ^ )fns k kbd_environment kbd_has_apl_dir kbd_home_dir kbd_in_path kbd_off kbd_on kbd_reset_env kbd_save_env kbd_set kbd_on 0 Couldn't find rules file (-model) )si ⋆ kbd_has_apl_dir 1 kbd_storage /home/dalyw/.gnu-apl kbd_environment 'kbd_environment' ⎕trace â³10 kbd_environment kbd_environment[3] kbd_environment[4] ¯10 kbd_environment[5] ¯10 kbd_environment[6] FIO∆pipefrom 'setxkbmap -query' VALUE ERROR FIO∆pipfrom 'setxkbmap -query' ^ FIO∆pipefrom 'setxkbmap -query' ¯10 )fns FIO FIO FIO∆SockHelper FIO∆accept FIO∆access FIO∆bind FIO∆chdir FIO∆clear_statistics FIO∆connect FIO∆errno FIO∆execve FIO∆fclose FIO∆feof FIO∆ferror FIO∆fflush FIO∆fgetc FIO∆fgets FIO∆file_errno FIO∆files_in_directory FIO∆fopen FIO∆fopen_ro FIO∆fprintf FIO∆fprintf_stderr FIO∆fread FIO∆fscanf FIO∆fseek_cur FIO∆fseek_end FIO∆fseek_set FIO∆fstat FIO∆fsync FIO∆ftell FIO∆fwrite FIO∆fwrite_utf8 FIO∆get_dyadic_threshold FIO∆get_monadic_threshold FIO∆get_statistics FIO∆getcwd FIO∆getpeername FIO∆getsockname FIO∆getsockopt FIO∆gettimeofday FIO∆gmtime FIO∆listen FIO∆localtime FIO∆mkdir FIO∆mkdir_777 FIO∆mktime FIO∆pclose FIO∆pipefrom FIO∆pipeto FIO∆popen FIO∆popen_ro FIO∆printf FIO∆read FIO∆read_directory FIO∆read_file FIO∆read_lines FIO∆recv FIO∆rename FIO∆rmdir FIO∆select FIO∆send FIO∆send_utf8 FIO∆set_dyadic_threshold FIO∆set_monadic_threshold FIO∆setsockopt FIO∆socket FIO∆sprintf FIO∆sscanf FIO∆strerror FIO∆unlink FIO∆write FIO∆write_lines FIO∆write_utf8 FIOâ™metadata utl∆helpFns 'FIO∆ferror' VALUE ERROR utl∆help 'FIO∆ferror' ^ utl∆helpFns 'FIO∆ferror' Zi ↠FIO∆ferror Bh ââ ferror(Bh) utl∆helpFns 'FIO∆errno' Zi ↠FIO∆errno ââ errno (of last call) FIO∆strerror ¯10 VALUE ERROR FIO∆sterror ¯10 ^ FIO∆strerror ¯10 No child processes âžâ†phâ†'r' ⎕FIO[24] 'setxkbmap -query' 10 âžâ†sink↠5000 ⎕fio[41] ph 114 117 108 101 115 58 32 32 32 32 32 32 101 118 100 101 118 10 109 111 100 101 108 58 32 32 32 32 32 32 112 99 49 48 53 10 108 97 121 111 117 116 58 32 32 32 32 32 117 115 10 ⎕ucs sink rules: evdev model: pc105 layout: us âžâ†âŽ•fio[25] ph ¯10