Hi Jürgen,
thanks for your quick reply.
I will look into adding support for the thousands separator (but not supporting the
locales nonsense). That is, the thousands separator will always be comma and not
e.g. full-stop like in some countries and comma in others.
That would be great and I fully agree, locales support would be too much
of a requirement.
BTW format by example should have done the job (see the APL2 language
reference page 140):
"5,555.50" ⍕ 1234.56
Well, I tried this but it only works for the simpler cases. I could
manage to format figures with the currency symbol on the right side but
the format by examples falls short if I want it on the left, combined
with negative numbers and also rounding (e.g. no decimal point in
example spec).
So this works:
' -1,555,555.40 $' ⍕ 123456.789 ¯987654.12
123,456.79 $ -987,654.12 $
But I have not found anything which would give me these results:
$ +123,457 $ -987,654
As far as I have understood IBM APL2 Language Reference this is not
possible with format by example. I would be happy if you can convince me
otherwise, then I would indeed not need ⎕FIO.
Kind regards,