i can see you code is c++
I am working with libapl with fpc (freepascal) and i can capture stdout and stderr fine in fpc coding
but the only stdout i get from ap_exec is the 0
i have apl_exec as a function and tried with either of the following definitions
function apl_exec(p : pchar) : longint; cdecl; // gives good results displayed but stdout captures only 0
function apl_exec(p : pchar) : ansistring; cdecl; // gives nothing to screen with apl_exec nor any stdout
On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 17:16:10 -0400
Chris Moller <moller@mollerware.com> wrote:
apl_exec() can output to both stdout and stderr.
I use:
std::stringstream outbuffer;
std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::stringstream errbuffer;
std::streambuf *cerrbuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
execerr = apl_exec (cmd.toStdString ().c_str ());
outString = QString (outbuffer.str ().c_str ());
errString = QString (errbuffer.str ().c_str ());
On 7/24/22 16:12, enztec@gmx.com wrote:
What does libapl output?- the apl_exec function returns 0 to stdout but what is the actual display?
for example apl_exec('⍳20') what/where is the 1 to 20 displayed so it can be captured?