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From: Bill Daly
Subject: --
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2022 17:34:16 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.11.0

I've enclosed two workspaces.  arg_parser.apl is a library to parse command line arguments.  arg_parser_script.apl is a workspace to test that workspace.  To run the test, place both files in ~/wslib1, chmod 775 wslib1/arg_parser_script.apl and then execute wslib1/arg_parser_script.apl -- --first=Bill --third=Daly .

I tried moving the -- from the command line to line one of the script with this result

dalyw@verdun:~$ wslib1/arg_parser_script.apl --first=Bill --third=Daly
DUMPED 2022-07-26  16:36:05 (GMT-4)
NEW )COPY_ONCE workspace: 1 utl
DUMPED 2022-07-26  16:36:05 (GMT-4)
NEW )COPY_ONCE workspace: 1 lex
DUMPED 2022-07-26  16:36:05 (GMT-4)
This workspaces test the arg_parser workspace.  Function test_one sets
up a parser object that expects arguments for --first --second and
--third and will dispaly the values of those arguments on the command

The command line must contain an argument '--'  which acts as a
delimter between the command line arguments passed to apl and those
passed to this script.  So a test run might be:

arg_parser_script -- --first=last --third=first
SYNTAX ERROR, wslib1/arg_parser_script.apl SHOULD BEGIN WITH --


Attachment: arg_parser.apl
Description: Text document

Attachment: arg_parser_script.apl
Description: Text document

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