Hi Russ,
looks like something is VERY WRONG on your box.
According to the messages below, you want parallel execution with
4 cores. However parallel execution requires two functions atomic_add()
and atomic_read() to be present on your platform.
Unfortunately these functions are not portable, i.e. most platforms have
them, but under a different name on each platform (see Parallel.hh
lines 83..165 for the different platforms handled so far.
I cant quite explain why this worked before on your box, unless you
removed something that was providing one of the function candidate,
or upgraded something.
Two solutions:
1. ./configure CORE_COUNT_WANTED=0
- or -
2. let me know the declarations (function names and argument types),
and #include files for these functions on your platform.
Best Regards,
On 11/15/22 8:38 AM, Russtopia wrote:
I recently pulled latest svn and saw these strange messages right
after the GNU APL banner. Backing up, it appears to have begun with
r1616 for me.
I did a `make clean` and fresh `./configure` for each build to narrow
down when the issue began.
System: Devuan GNU/Linux, x86_64
--with-ctrld_del --with-gtk3
configure: ---- SUMMARY OF TESTS (please include in error reports)
apl_missing_headers: 1
apl_missing_functions: 0
apl_FFT: no (affects: ⎕FFT)
apl_PCRE: no (affects: ⎕RE)
apl_PNG: yes (affects: ⎕PNG)
apl_POSTGRES: no (may affect: ⎕SQL)
apl_SQLITE3: no (may affect: ⎕SQL)
apl_SQL no (affects: ⎕SQL)
apl_X11 (libxcb): yes (fallback for ⎕PLOT)
apl_GTK3: yes (affects: ⎕PNG, ⎕GTK, maybe ⎕PLOT)
apl_GUI: yes (affects: ⎕PLOT)
$ apl --cfg
configurable options:
APSERVER_PATH=/tmp/GNU-APL/APserver (default)
APSERVER_PORT=16366 (default)
MAX_RANK_WANTED=8 (default)
sizeof(Value) : 464 bytes
sizeof(Cell) : 24 bytes
sizeof(Value header): 176 bytes
VF_TRACING_WANTED=no (default)
how ./configure was (probably) called:
'--with-ctrld_del' '--with-gtk3'
Project: GNU APL
Version / SVN: 1.8 / SVN: 1616M
Build Date: 2022-11-15 07:31:37 UTC
Build OS: Linux 5.7.0rlabs x86_64
'--with-ctrld_del' '--with-gtk3'
Archive SVN: 1616
Output on startup, following GNU APL banner (It's slightly different
on each run):
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is V
*** s some** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERYtERYomething is VERY WROhin WRONG if this
function is caNG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
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*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
**lg is VERY led
*** * sWRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERo WRONG ifsometmething is VERY WRONG if this
function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this fuY this function is called
*** something is VERY WRONG if this function is called
hing is VERY WRONG if this functi WRONG if this functioon is called
n incts called
ion is called[30;