At all prompts you can type 'end' to exit or backup to the previous question.
You can often type 'help' to get help.
Enter your edit command? add
Enter your edit command? list
Enter the line numbers you wish to list, or [a,b,r]? all
token: 'RETURN_EXEC' at /Volumes/MyPassport/paulrockwell/Documents/Build/GNU_APL/src/
token.get_Class(): 'TC_RETURN' at /Volumes/MyPassport/paulrockwell/Documents/Build/GNU_APL/src/
token.get_tag(): '0x520A000D' at /Volumes/MyPassport/paulrockwell/Documents/Build/GNU_APL/src/
*** useless apl.lines (no CXXFLAGS=-rdynamic -gdwarf-2)
-- Stack trace at /Volumes/MyPassport/paulrockwell/Documents/Build/GNU_APL/src/
0x1000a9bc0 Workspace::immediate_execution(bool)
0x10011ec84 Command::process_line()
0x10011eec8 Command::process_line(UCS_string&, std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>*)
0x10012268c Command::do_APL_expression(UCS_string&)
0x100137b40 Command::finish_context()
Process exited with status 0
It's not clear what statement in the set of functions is being executed at this point that throws the error.
I'm also finding that the main editor E∆Edit function won't execute properly after immediately copying it from another workspace.
It throws a SYNTAX ERROR on a very simple assignment statement in this case.
Opening the function with the standard editor and displaying it allows the function to run.
SAVED 2024-02-20 20:11:19 (GMT-6)
E∆ E∆Add E∆Ail E∆CJ E∆CS E∆Change E∆Clear
E∆Copy E∆Ctit E∆DIV E∆Delete E∆EHN E∆ER E∆Ealn
E∆Edit E∆EditLine E∆Eoi E∆Erase E∆Find E∆Get E∆LJ
E∆LP E∆LPH E∆Lck E∆List E∆Move E∆New E∆O
E∆Omega E∆PI E∆Parse E∆Pic E∆Pim E∆Pin E∆Piv
E∆RND E∆RS E∆Replace E∆Revert E∆SS E∆Save E∆Screen
[0] E∆Edit fun;Mat;qq;fn;bv;orig;Cms;Pad;Delim;⎕IO;⎕PW
[9] EN0:→(0=1↑⍴Mat←⎕CR fun)/ER1
[12] 'At all prompts you can type ''end'' to exit or backup to the previous question.'
[13] 'You can often type ''help'' to get help.'
[15] qq← 'add = to add; insert; or write over a line,'
[16] qq←qq,'edit = to modify an existing line,'
[17] qq←qq,'delete = to delete a group of lines,'
[18] qq←qq,'move = to move lines from one place to another,'
[19] qq←qq,'copy = to copy lines from one place to another,'
[20] qq←qq,'find = to find a character string,'
[21] qq←qq,'replace = to search and replace a character string,'
[22] qq←qq,'screen = to search and list your function a screen at a time,'
[23] qq←qq,'list = to scroll the contents of your function on your screen,'
[24] qq←qq,'new = to erase the entire function,'
[25] qq←qq,'save = save function definition,'
[26] qq←qq,'original = revert back to original definition,'
[27] qq←qq,'get = get a different function to edit'
[29] fn←'E∆Add,E∆Change,E∆Delete,E∆Move,E∆Copy,E∆Find,E∆Replace,E∆Screen,E∆List,E∆New,E∆Save,E∆Revert,E∆Get'
[31] EN1:→(2↑bv←qq E∆Pim'Enter your edit command')/END,EN1
[34] END:→(∨/(⍴Mat)≠⍴orig)/EN4
[36] EN4:→('yn'E∆Pic'Function has been modified; leave anyway')/(3⍴EN4),0,EN1
[38] →('yn'E∆Pic'Do you wish to return to your original text')/(3⍴EN2),0,EN3
[40] ER1:E∆ER'Function ',fun,' does not exist.'
At all prompts you can type 'end' to exit or backup to the previous question.
You can often type 'help' to get help.