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bug#62896: [Configure] Bug with check for PERL when path has spaces (i.e

From: Bogdan
Subject: bug#62896: [Configure] Bug with check for PERL when path has spaces (i.e. Windows)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:47:31 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.10.0


Thank you for the bug report. The problem is a bit more complicated, unfortunately. At least from my point of view. I did a bit of an analysis. The problem can be replicated on current master on a Linux - just do

        ln -s /usr/bin 'User bins'
        export PATH='User bins':$PATH

and reconfigure.

 I can surround $PERL and $(PERL) with parentheses (patch attached), but:

1) this doesn't fix the "shebang" lines, like #!/bin/bash, leaving e.g. bin/aclocal with

        #!User bins/perl

  and that not only will not work, it still stops the build with

        help2man: can't get `--help' info from bin/aclocal

  because of

        $ bin/aclocal --help
   bash: bin/aclocal: User: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

2) this won't work if the correct perl command has options, like when we need to, for some reason, have e.g. PERL=perl -W

3) I noticed problem 2) because my fake "User bins" appears also in $(INSTALL) and in $(MKDIR_P) in the generated Makefile. Those cannot be quoted, because "/whatever/mkdir -p" is not a correct program name. It's "/whatever/mkdir" and "-p" is a parameter.

Sorry to say this, but until someone provides a better solution, I recommend installing Perl (and other GNU tools - MinGW, coreutils, etc.) in paths without spaces, like c:\perl or c:\users\your_username\perl (assuming "your_username" doesn't have spaces, of course). This may also save you headaches with all those scripts which have "#!/bin/bash" or just "bash".

Regards - Bogdan ('bogdro') D.                 (GNU/Linux & FreeDOS)
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Attachment: automake-perl-path-spaces-mail.diff
Description: Text Data

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