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bug#25629: Hrm, actually autom4te isnt part of automake, but rather auto

From: Karl Berry
Subject: bug#25629: Hrm, actually autom4te isnt part of automake, but rather autoconf.
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 19:18:43 -0600

Hi Yves - back in 2017 you sent a patch to sort keys in automake:

    Attached is a patch that I believe fixes any remaining uses of
    unsorted keys.

I've now applied this, with the exception of
a) the cases that had already been done in the meantime,

b) gendocs.sh and gitlog-to-changelog, which are maintained in gnulib
(I forwarded the changes there and they have been applied), and

c) help2man, which is maintained separately; I would have forwarded that
change to bug-help2man@gnu.org except that as far as I can see this is a
case where truly no sorting is needed. It's purely an internal
--- a/doc/help2man
+++ b/doc/help2man
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ while (@opt_include)
 # Compress trailing blank lines.
 for my $hash (\(%include, %append))
-    for (keys %$hash) { $hash->{$_} =~ s/\n+$/\n/ }
+    for (sort keys %$hash) { $hash->{$_} =~ s/\n+$/\n/ }
 sub get_option_value;

So I'm closing the bug.

Belated thanks for the contribution.
(And Sam, thanks for unearthing this and bringing it up again.)

Happy hashing,

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