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Re: Re: Re: [PATCH 0/4] Add import builtin

From: Phi Debian
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [PATCH 0/4] Add import builtin
Date: Sun, 5 May 2024 11:33:18 +0200

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 4:44 AM Matheus Afonso Martins Moreira <
matheus@matheusmoreira.com> wrote:

> By "library system" I just mean the exact mechanism through which
> bash will load a "library". By "library", I mean ordinary scripts
> whose purpose is to collect related functions and variables
> for reuse by other scripts or interactive bash users.

May be that's why the term 'library' is not very well suitable as there are
other ways to load functions and variables in a shell context, i.e shared
libraries/objets dynamic builtins, so the 'import got to cover all of none.
In this case the import would find the shared libs in the restricted path
IMPORT_PATH along with the scripts, and then a 'library' could either be
text script or binary .so a.out.

Sounds more like a pandora box :-)

> By introducing the "module/library system" I want to do the following:
>   1. Add a builtin primitive that can be used to load libraries
>   2. Establish a convention for where bash will look for libraries
>   3. Separate the libraries from the commands/executables

If its all that simple may this 3 liners to stick in your.rc file or hide
it in yet another . findable script

shopt -s expand_aliases # Some may dislike this
xyz_import='for xyz in ${XYZ_IMPORT_PATH//:/\/$1 }/$1;do xyz=$(realpath -q
$xyz);[ -r "$xyz" ]&&. $xyz&&return;done'
alias xyz_import='source /dev/stdin <<< "$xyz_import"'

1. It create a new primitive (well a command in shell parser vocable)
2. It Establish a convention for where bash will look for libraries
3. Separate the libraries from the commands/executables by looking in the
$XYZ_IMPORT_PATH dir set only

Murphy's law
Note the I namespaced all this with xyz/XYZ, change for your taste, but
beware of other 'import'

While testing this I discover (and forgot) that I installed the
'imagemagick' package (linux debian) which in turn setup an alternative
path on 'import'

$ ll /usr/bin/import
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Feb 26 07:43 /usr/bin/import ->

$ ll /etc/alternatives/import
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Feb 26 07:43 /etc/alternatives/import ->

So I guess it is wise to stay away from 'import' name.

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