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[Bug binutils/19311] arm-linux-as build on Mac OS X with Xcode7 fails to

From: Loria at phantasia dot org
Subject: [Bug binutils/19311] arm-linux-as build on Mac OS X with Xcode7 fails to assemble code from FreePascal cross-compiler
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 23:15:41 +0000


--- Comment #9 from Loria <Loria at phantasia dot org> ---
Well, how related it is with the named bug is unclear, but it seems the unroll
loops just does not work ...
on x86_64 I get the following disassemble:
_encode_arm_immediate:                  ## @encode_arm_immediate
## BB#0:
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
        movl    %edi, %ecx
        roll    $2, %ecx
        movl    $256, %edx              ## imm = 0x100
        cmpl    $255, %ecx
        jbe     LBB1_1
## BB#3:
        movl    %edi, %ecx
        roll    $4, %ecx
        movl    $512, %edx              ## imm = 0x200
        cmpl    $256, %ecx              ## imm = 0x100
        jb      LBB1_1
## BB#16:
        roll    $30, %edi
        movl    $-1, %eax
        movl    $3840, %edx             ## imm = 0xF00
        cmpl    $256, %edi              ## imm = 0x100
        movl    %edi, %ecx
        jae     LBB1_2
        orl     %edx, %ecx
        movl    %ecx, %eax
LBB1_2:                                 ## %.loopexit5
        popq    %rbp
well it looks like its definitly not a bug of binutils ... its caused by bad
unroll-loops of Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81). 
I think the save workaround would be to add -fno-unroll-loops to the flags for
building a toolchain .. with Apple Xcode 7.2 

How do you think ?

(hopefully they fixed it with the upcoming Xcode 7.3 which unfortunatly wont
build for 10.10 anymore.

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