Hi Meng,
Thanks for raising the issue!
I could reproduce the issue with the information you gave.
It seems to me that, the change I made earlier catches an issue here.
in /arch/arm/cpu/armv8/psci.S
/* PSCI function and ID table definition*/
#define PSCI_TABLE(__id, __fn) \
.word __id; \
.word __fn
".word" is used to hold the address of a function.
The toolchain you used is aarch64-linux, which by default supports LP64 ABI.
This means Long and void * (pointer) data type is 64-bit.
IIUC, a ".xword" should be used instead. Otherwise, you should use ILP32 ABI. But be aware, the support for ILP32 might not be complete.
Hi All,
Could you please help to have a look whether below issue is valuable?
I got u-boot source code from https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot.git, branch =
is master.
I got toolchain from https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/fi=
I built stratix10(socfpga) platform with below commands:
export CROSS_COMPILE=3Dxxx/gcc-8.1.0-nolibc/aarch64-linux/bin/aarch64-linux=
export ARCH=3Darm64
make mrproper
make socfpga_stratix10_defconfig
make menuconfig, and then enable CONFIG_ARMV8_PSCI
there will be below error:
LD u-boot
linux/bin/aarch64-linux-ld.bfd: arch/arm/cpu/armv8/built-in.o: relocation R=
_AARCH64_ABS32 against `psci_cpu_suspend' can not be used when making a sha=
red object