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CommonC++-1.4.2 engine.cpp

From: OSP Dresden
Subject: CommonC++-1.4.2 engine.cpp
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 11:26:21 +0200

Hello developers,

I found a bug at 

void Engine::ReadBinary(uint8* data, uint32 size) THROWS
  // Next we have to deal such that, until we have a full output buffer,
  // (Or we run out of input)
  if (myUnderlyingStream.good())
    // Oh dear - we ran out of input on the buffer.
    // Maybe we can still inflate some
    if (myZStream.avail_out == MAX_BUFFER)
    // THROW (PersistException(string("Oh dear - ran out of input")));
    THROW (Exception(string("Oh dear - ran out of input")));


Change "PersistException" into "Exception"

Best wishes


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