Hi, I just found this library today in search of something like it
and was pleasently surprised. Because I want to release some source
code soon, I've recently been trying to move away from my little
libraries that I've used for years to more standard stuff. I've
converted one of my projects to the STL now that it is defined and
comes sufficiently well implemented on gcc and other compilers. I
was wondering if CommonC++ uses the STL whereever possible. I don't
guess much of it requires a whole lot of container-like use, perhaps
the persistance stuff.
I could find any classes that dealt with time... maybe I missed
it... I saw dates, but no date/time class. I have one if necessary.
Also, I have a class that is a readers/writers mutex which is simply
wrapped around 2 other mutexes, so it would be simple to merge into
CommonC++. Basically, it allows 1 write lock but multiple
simultaneous read locks. Is there another way of doing that already
in CommonC++?
I also have an idea for a Path class which would have functionality
that, constructed from a string, would have methods of getting the
directory or the filename from it. The implementation isn't as
trivial as finding the last '/', because you have to correctly handle
'.' as the entire path. glibc does have pathname and dirname, but
they comform to the SUSv2 standard, so are not guarenteed to be on all
systems. I suppose you could imagine other things you could use a
Path class for, perhaps breaking the path up into all the directories
components, making sure paths exist, touching files, etc... If this
sounds like a worthy class to implement for CommonC++, I'd be glad to
write it. Currently, I have an .h file which has dirname, basename
and touch functions, but again, I'm trying to move as much as possible
away from these little implementations which aren't even autoconfiscated.
Lastly, I have a couple of template classes which are used to create
temporary buffers of memory or temporary arrays of object which get
deallocted when the variable goes out of scope. I know you'd think
that auto_ptr in the STL can be used for this, but it can only (as far
as I can tell) be used for a single object, and not an array of
objects. Plus, my template class can auto cast to a pointer of the
type it is instantiated for, or a void * and can be subscripted all of
which auto_ptr doesn't do.
-- Davy
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