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In moving away from my little libraries to CommonC++ I failed to find
a 'wait' method for ost::Thread. Does this happen in the destructor?
Normally, the proper way to handle threads is to create them, then do
whatever, then wait for them to die (most likely, after just having set
a kill flag within the thread)... So I would expect to call something
like thread->wait() before destroying it, even though the destroy would
do it if I didn't. And moreover, the thread object should be reusable
by calling start after a thread has been terminated.... I know that the
current implement creates the thread on construction, but what I did,
was to do all the work in the start method, the constructor did
little.... but the thread object could be used multiple times... I know
this isn't a big deal.. I'm just flapping my gums here... But I did
expect to see a wait() method; useful for some kind of syncronization if
I use a local variable for the thread object insteading of new-ing one
and calling delete where I would call wait.