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[BUG] [PATCH] Buffer Overflow in Keydata::loadPrefix()

From: Gernot Hillier
Subject: [BUG] [PATCH] Buffer Overflow in Keydata::loadPrefix()
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 12:33:27 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


I stumbled over a very dangerous code part in CommonC++ in the KeyData 

void Keydata::loadPrefix(const char *pre, const char *keypath, const char 
        if(*keypath == '~')
                prefix = getenv("HOME");
                strcpy(path, prefix); 
                strcat(path, "/.");

This is a classical buffer overflow (use a environment variable, rely on its 
length and copy it to an internal buffer).

I tried to fix it for the time being - but I don't actually know the class as 
I don't use it. Please triple-check my fixes - they're untested and I don't 
have read the complete code of keydata.cpp! 

So please see my patch just as a suggestion. I'll attach it...



Attachment: commonc++-bo.patch
Description: Text Data

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