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Re: Thread::detach() call doesn't return

From: Nacho de los Ríos Tormo
Subject: Re: Thread::detach() call doesn't return
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 17:59:57 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


After a week with no replies, I must face the fact that either nobody knows an 
answer or, more likely, nobody made could make heads nor tails of a poor (and 
too long) explanation.

My problem is: sometimes, in my Thread subclasses, the moment I call detach() 
(whether from the constructor or at a later point), the current thread is 
permanently lost.

This only happens when I link in some older code we've got, even if this older 
code is not called and is left dead.

This older code is some older single-thread code that runs fine if:

a)compiled as a single thread program
b)its original main() function is called from the run()
  method of a Thread subclass (though in this case control
  won't return to the calling thread).

In the example below, when linking the other code, message "MESSAGE" would 
never get printed; however, not linking that other code, "MESSAGE" would be 
printed. In both cases, I would get periodic "Rollover!" messages.

What so toxic might be lurking in the old code that could make this happen? 

Thanks for your attention,

Nacho de los Rios.


class MyClass1 : public Thread
    void run(void)
        int i = 0;
            if (++i == 0) cout << "Rollover!" << endl;

    MyClass1 (void)

void main(void)
    MyClass1* p1;

    p1 = new MyClass1();
    cout << "MESSAGE" << endl;

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