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Preliminary cvs checkin for ccrtp at sf repository completed

From: David Sugar
Subject: Preliminary cvs checkin for ccrtp at sf repository completed
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:09:14 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.5.3

I have completed a preliminary checkin of ccrtp into sourceforge (use module 
ccrtp from the Common C++ area).  I only made those changes needed to make 
the build consistent with other Common C++ 1.1 packages.  At some point 
shortly I will redo/update the .spec and .list files for building binaries 
based on what was recently done for Common C++.  The w32 build and "make 
dist" may or may not still be broken at this point, but it compiles and 
installs and these other things will also get fixed shortly.  The effective 
revision for this is "1.0.3" for when it is eventually released.

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