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Re: Checking if TCPSession made successful connection

From: Tor Arvid Lund
Subject: Re: Checking if TCPSession made successful connection
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 23:54:30 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5+ (X11/20040209)

address@hidden wrote:

>TCPSession inherits isActive(), isConnected(), and operator! () from >Socket. Try those.

Thanks for the (very fast) reply. I've seen noticed these functions. At first I had trouble with them, since isConnected, for instance, seemed to always return false, even after I'd seen the connection was up...

Anyway, I have gotten to the place where my program can tell me whether the connection failed or succeded. So now I'm wondering how I can determine why a connection failed... (bad hostname, connection refused, etc)

Maybe theres some basic concept I have missed... I noticed the connectError() function, but it seemes to always return errConnectFailed or errConnectBusy... maybe they shouldn't be called directly? Well... any pointers here would be greatly appreciated


Tor Arvid Lund               ,''`.
http://totto.homelinux.net  : :' :
GnuPG key ID: 0xF335ED1E    `. `'
find it at pgp.mit.edu        `-

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