I think I just fixed a bug in Socket::setCompletion.
Here is what has happened... I have an application which uses wxWindows
and CommonCpp. It works fine on both Windows and Linux when run
natively. But I decided to try to run the Windows executable using the
WINE emulator. Now the Wine debugger complained about a problem. I built
everything for debug, and used the .pdb's generated. Now when wine hit
the problem , the stack trace indicated it was in the ioctlsocket
function, called from setCompletion. I looked into the source code and
noticed that the call doesn't conform to the Windows Platform SDK
description of the function. According to the docs the prototype of
ioctlsocket is:
int ioctlsocket(
long cmd,
u_long* argp
This indicates that the 3rd argument is a pointer to an u_long {unsigned
long int}. It appears in the socket.cpp module that the integer 0 or 1
is passed in the argument. The SDK describes the FIONBIO ioctl using the
following language:
The argp parameter is a pointer to an unsigned long value<<. Set argp
to a nonzero value if the nonblocking mode should be enabled, or zero if
the nonblocking mode should be disabled. When a socket is created, it
operates in blocking mode by default (nonblocking mode is disabled).
This is consistent with BSD sockets. argp value Nonblocking mode
0 Disabled
nonzero Enabled
I modified the source and rebuilt the ccgnu2.dll {actually the
ccgnu2d.dll} and retried my tests. Now everything works well. I am still
having another problem concerning commoncpp ost::Socket::error when it
comes to throwing an exception. But this error only occurs when my app
is unable to attach to the server {workable but still not acceptable}.
My patch is attached to this email... basically just pass the ulong
which is set according to the immediate flag {you'll see...}...
I hope this is helpful. Also, thank you for maintaining such a useful
cross-platform function library... ;)
Thank you,
Michael A. Uman
Sr. Software Engineer, System tools
Sigma Designs
--- socket.cpp 2003-06-06 16:16:46.000000000 -0700
+++ /users/muman/socket.cpp 2004-07-28 13:43:47.000000000 -0700
@@ -687,17 +687,12 @@
flags.completion = immediate;
#ifdef WIN32
// note that this will not work on some versions of Windows for
Workgroups. Tough. -- jfc
- switch( immediate )
- {
- case false:
- // this will not work if you are using WSAAsyncSelect or
- // -- perhaps I should throw an exception
- ioctlsocket( so, FIONBIO, (unsigned long *) 1);
- break;
- case true:
- ioctlsocket( so, FIONBIO, (unsigned long *) 0);
- break;
- }
+ u_long argp;
+ argp = (immediate == false)?1:0;
+ ioctlsocket( so, FIONBIO, (unsigned long *) &argp);
int fflags = fcntl(so, F_GETFL);
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