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RE: C++ exceptions in persistent streams (patch!)

From: erik_ohrnberger
Subject: RE: C++ exceptions in persistent streams (patch!)
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 15:43:08 -0500

Please find attached two patch files.  They are for:
        * commoncpp2-1.3.1/include/cc++/persist.h               and
        * commoncpp2-1.3.1/src/engine.cpp

This patch will apply changes needed to make the 

void Engine::readObject(BaseObject* object) THROWS( Engine::Exception )

throw the indicated exception rather than a const char* exception.

My experience is that this change eliminates a thrown const char* exception
that may cause abort() to be called, crashing the application.

Attachment: engine.cpp.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: persist.h.patch
Description: Binary data

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