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Re: can't release mutex

From: Wakan
Subject: Re: can't release mutex
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 21:04:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Thanks very much for your kind reply!
I think the problem is elsewhere...
When the thread the calls the proprietary function never runs to the
mutex.leaveMutex(), say because the function doesn't be able to exit for an internal break,
all other threads will continue to loop in vain....because the mutex will never be released.
What I need is something (maybe another thread) that checks if a thread is jammed (with a timer)
and in this case tell it to exit, or kill it (because if a thread is jammed, can't go on...so can't check for timeouts or exit flags)...
Sorry for my poor english....hope it is clear enought
Thanks in advance for you help,

Conrad T. Pino ha scritto:
You're on the right track.  Please pardon my rusty recollection syntax.


to a form that accepts a timeout.  This example won't compile:

	const int timeout = 500;

	while (1) {
		if ( isPending( pendingInput ) ) {
			int result = mutex.enterMutex( timeout );

			if ( result == success ) {
				---> protected function call (a function that can't work 
				in multithread env) <---       
			} else {
				// do something else with pending input

While the above will implement your timeout idea it does nothing about
the fundamental problem.  When the library "breaks" can be discoverd
and the blocked mutex/thread combination can be cancelled/restared

If the library is dynamically loaded under your control then unload it
and reload it to get it back into a consistent state.  If it's auto or
static linked then you may have an unsolveable problem.

If a reliable system is your goal then one of these MUST be true:

		proprietary library NEVER fails
		proprietary library can be forced back to a consistent
		state because it has a reload or reinitialize method

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden]On Behalf Of Wakan
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 07:18
To: address@hidden
Subject: can't release mutex

I'm using commoncpp library in a project that includes a multithread 
server that
can accept many tcp connection and each connection generates a thread.
In this server I'm using a thirdy party proprietary library (compiled), 
that (as the producer says)
can't work in multithread environment.
As each connection thread needs to call functions of this thirdy party 
library, I've used a mutex to protect the piece of
code where this external library function is called.
In this way I can use this library fine, because all calls are 
serialized and the protected function is called by one thread each time.
This is an example:
    while(1) {
        if(isPending(pendingInput)) {
                ---> protected function call (a function that can't work 
in multithread env) <---       
in 99% of cases it works fine. But it accidentally happens that a thread 
can't exit from the mutex
maybe because the thirdy party function freezes itself.
When this happens, the server can accept other connections, soit still 
works, but each thread can't enter in the mutex proteced piece of code.
I'm thinking about something, like a timeout, that exits the mutex after 
a time, if the thread is not exiting...
Can someone help me to resolve this problem? Are there other solutions?
Thanks in advance,

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