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more 7.1.xx test results

From: Matthew Woehlke
Subject: more 7.1.xx test results
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:35:41 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090105 Fedora/ Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

More platforms... FBSD is 7.1.49, others are 7.1.63.

==== risc/HP-UX ====
 6 of 369 tests failed
 (115 tests were not run)

FAIL: df/total-verify
(perl -f error)

FAIL: mkdir/selinux
(same as ia64/HP-UX)

FAIL: touch/dir-1
+ fail=0
+ touch . 

touch: setting times of `.': Is a directory 

+ fail=1 

+ Exit 1 

+ remove_tmp_ 

FAIL: touch/fifo
+ fail=0
+ touch fifo 

./touch/fifo[30]: 24670 Terminated 

+ fail=1 

+ Exit 1 

+ remove_tmp_ 

('touch' was hung at this point, I 'kill'd it in another shell)

FAIL: touch/not-owner
+ fail=0
+ touch / 

+ 1> out 2>& 1 

+ cat 

+ 1> exp 0<< 

touch: setting times of `/': Not owner 

+ cmp out exp 

+ 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 

+ cat 

+ 1> exp 0<< 

touch: setting times of `/': Operation not permitted 

+ cmp out exp 

+ 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 

+ cat 

+ 1> exp 0<< 

touch: setting times of `/': Permission denied 

+ cmp out exp 

+ 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 

+ test  = 1 

+ fail=1 

+ test 1 = 1 

+ diff out exp 

+ 2> /dev/null 


< touch: setting times of `/': Is a directory 


> touch: setting times of `/': Permission denied 

+ Exit 1 

+ remove_tmp_ 

FAIL: touch/read-only
+ fail=0
+ touch read-only 

touch: cannot touch `read-only': Permission denied 

+ fail=1 

+ touch - 

+ 1< read-only 2> /dev/null 

+ Exit 1 

+ remove_tmp_ 

 3 of 121 tests failed
 (10 tests were not run)

FAIL: test-file-has-acl.sh
+ setacl -u user:1:1 tmpfile0 + 2> tmp.err + cat tmp.err + 1>& 2 setacl: illegal option -- u
usage: setacl (usage snipped)
+ grep Error: tmp.err
+ 1> /dev/null
+ grep Operation not supported tmp.err
+ 1> /dev/null
+ func_test_has_acl tmpfile0 yes
file_has_acl("tmpfile0") returned no, expected yes
+ exit 1

FAIL: test-iconv
test-iconv.c:66: assertion failed

FAIL: test-striconv
test-striconv.c:66: assertion failed

==== AIX ====
 4 of 369 tests failed
 (61 tests were not run)

FAIL: misc/printf
+ /home/install/gnu/build/rs6000_aix/coreutils-7.1.63-8e6a6/src/printf 10 %.*dx\n -2147483649 0 + 1>> out
-2147483649: Result too large 

+ fail=1 

FAIL: misc/printf-cov
(/lots/ of output, looks similar to the previous failure)

FAIL: misc/tr
(lots of output, the only obvious error is: Can't remove directory /home/install/gnu/build/rs6000_aix/coreutils-7.1.63-8e6a6/tests/tr.tmp-tS4r: Device busy at /usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.6.0/File/Temp.pm line 858... possibly a red herring?)
FAIL: df/total-verify
(three guesses ;-) ...yup, it's -f again)

==== x86/FreeBSD 6.2 ====
 All 367 tests passed
 (56 tests were not run)

 All 116 tests passed
 (2 tests were not run)

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