Case conflicts between Attic and main-line code in CVS 1.10.6
Mark . Hewitt
Case conflicts between Attic and main-line code in CVS 1.10.6
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:44:03 +0100
Since upgrading to CVS 1.10.6 (pserver, Solaris 9), we have a problem whereby if we have a filename in the Attic
that differs only by case from one in the main-line code, Windows clients refuse to checkout the branch with a:
cvs update: move away Category_Review/Client/tis_included_app/winhelpkey.orc; it is in the way
C Category_Review/Client/tis_included_app/winhelpkey.orc
Regressing to 1.10.5 solves this problem, and this is what we have had to do.
Please tell me if there is more information required or a better way to report issues of this kind - sorry the 'cvsbug'
script does not work for me for a variety of reasons (no internet access from repository, including mail, it also
complaining 'mktemp: not found.').