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[Bug-ddrescue] Feature request: Zone over heating prevention.

From: Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] Feature request: Zone over heating prevention.
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 02:32:41 +1300


After having used ddrescue a few times, I have found that in some cases
that I get better results by killing the process and starting elsewhere
on the disc, then returning to where the original process left of a bit
later.  I think this reduces the heat build up from very slow reads on a
bad area, reducing degradation, and giving overall better results.

Would it be possible to build in a read algorithm option that could
automatically do this.  I have typically been switching between the
start and 50% thru the disc/partition whenever the average read rate
drops into the 1000's of bytes per second.  I often find that going back
to a bad area after as little as 60 seconds reduces or stops read errors
form occurring.

Any way, thanks for a great and powerful recovery tool.

Daniel Reurich

Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Limited.
Ph: 021 797 722

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