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[Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue Version 1.11

From: Meger.Arno
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] ddrescue Version 1.11
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:22:22 +0200

Hello ddrescue Bug-Support, hello Antonio,

I´m using ddrescue 1.11 for testing some failed 512MB compact flash devices.

On of these devices has 64 bad blocks (Sectors 0-63) according to the badblocks 
linux tool.

I tried to make an image with ddrescue "ddrescue -d -v /dev/hdc ./hdc/cf.img 
and looked in the log file and expected to find some line like
#      pos        size  status
0x00000000  0x00008000  -
0x00008000  0x1F303E00  +

Instead I find 
#      pos        size  status
0x00000000  0x00000200  -
0x00000200  0x00010000  *
0x00010200  0x1F303E00  +

According the the descriptinion of ddrescues function I thought that it will 
split the "*" area to reared each single bad sector?

I also tested
ddrescue -d -v -c 1 /dev/hdd ./hdd/cf.img ./hdd/cf.log
so that each reads only 1 sector a time to find the real size of the bad sector 
range => same logfile.

I last tried the option -T "ddrescue -d -v -T /dev/hdd ./hdd/cf.img 
./hdd/cf.log" in an additional call of ddrescue.
Now the log-files looks even more wrong:
#      pos        size  status
0x00000000  0x00000200  -
0x00000200  0x00000200  +
0x00000400  0x00000200  -
0x00000600  0x0000FC00  *
0x00010200  0x1F303E00  +

But the second sector (position 0x200) is definitive defect.

The logfile and the copied data area are missing the "good range" 0x00008000 - 

Then I tested with version 1.8. Here the Log-File looks even more wrong:
#      pos        size  status
0x00000000  0x00000200  -
0x00000200  0x00000600  +
0x00000800  0x00000200  -
0x00000A00  0x00000600  +
0x00001000  0x00000200  -
0x00001200  0x00000600  +
0x00001800  0x00000200  -
0x00001A00  0x00000600  +
0x00002000  0x00000200  -
0x00002200  0x00000600  +
0x00002800  0x00000200  -
0x00002A00  0x00000600  +
0x00003000  0x00000200  -
0x00003200  0x00000600  +
0x00003800  0x00000200  -
0x00003A00  0x00000600  +
0x00004000  0x00000200  -
0x00004200  0x00000600  +
0x00004800  0x00000200  -
0x00004A00  0x00000600  +
0x00005000  0x00000200  -
0x00005200  0x00000600  +
0x00005800  0x00000200  -
0x00005A00  0x00000600  +
0x00006000  0x00000200  -
0x00006200  0x00000600  +
0x00006800  0x00000200  -
0x00006A00  0x00000600  +
0x00007000  0x00000200  -
0x00007200  0x00000600  +
0x00007800  0x00000200  -
0x00007A00  0x1F30C600  +

It seems to find nearly the 64 sectors frontier but shows many errornously good 
reported sectors.

Version 1.10 looks like 1.8...

Arno Meger

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH
Breite Strasse 132 - 41238 Mönchengladbach - Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 2166 266 - 279
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HRB 2125 Registergericht Mönchengladbach

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:
Heinz-Peter Schlüter

Dr.-Ing. Norbert Miller (Vors.), Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Laumen, 
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Augustyniak, Peter Schneck, Martin Kammler, Dipl. Oec. Uwe 

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