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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Fill mode halting on write errors

From: Niklas Holm
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Fill mode halting on write errors
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:50:21 +0200

Hi Felix!

Thank you for your answer.

2013/4/29 Felix Ehlermann <address@hidden>
Dear Niklas,

it seems you are tying to delete data on a damaged drive. From my understanding this is not the scope of ddrescue.
Is there a reason why you cant use tools like badblocks (using destructive read-write mode with a pattern of your preference)?

Yes that is correct. The reason I don't use badblocks is because I didn't know it can be used for that. Thank you for the tip! I'm pretty new at this, I just recently found about ddrescue when trying to find a way to rescue my bad drive. I do realize it's not the scope of ddrescue to wipe drives, but my particular use case IS mentioned in the manual as one of the possible usage areas for fill mode, so I think it should be properly supported. It's seems to me like a quite easy fix too, just add a command line argument to ignore write errors. Badblocks probably wasn't designed for wiping drives originally either.

The way I use ddrescue I would be very unhappy if it silently ignored errors on my destination drive/image file, possibly having me end up with my rescued data on another faulty disk.

I'm not asking you change the default behaviour.

Kind Regards

Best regards

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