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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] GNU ddrescue 1.18-pre3 new option complication

From: Paul L Daniels
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] GNU ddrescue 1.18-pre3 new option complication
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:05:19 +1000

On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 20:42:16 -0400
Scott Dwyer <address@hidden> wrote:

> To be more specific, every second (every screen update) put the
> current rate in a rotating 10 value table. So this table would always

To make it a bit easier for programming, you can do this without a
table/array - something I did when doing the firmware for a piece of
testing electronics with a very small microcontroller.

Keep two averages, one for the last 100 seconds, and one for the last
5~10.  Rembering that the data rate drops off towards the end, which
might trigger things if we keep the peak average.



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