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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Feature Suggestion: Automatic Cooldown mode

From: Scott Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Feature Suggestion: Automatic Cooldown mode
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 21:06:40 -0500
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After doing some quick math on a part of the logfile, I came up with a ratio of 5.77, which means that 6 heads is about right. And a closer visual assessment says the same thing.


On 2/6/2014 4:05 AM, David Deutsch wrote:
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the details. The Model number of the disk is WDC
WD20EARS-00MVWB0. The reason I assumed it would be 4 platters with 8
heads is that it's more than two years old and at the time was the
largest capacity you could get. A web search for head count is
somewhat inconclusive, with some sources claiming that the same model
might have different configurations. This here seems quite thorough
and would suggest it's actually three platters with 6 heads:


I'm still having a hard time visualizing the topography of the drive
to begin with, but it does make a little more sense with your
explanation. I would agree that the most probably case, judging from
how regular the pattern is, would be that we have one side of one
platter side (=one head) producing errors with one end of the platter
being worse than the other. One head would be 333GB and since I have
already "rescued" more than 1760GB it doesn't feel like I'm that badly
off. The errsize jumped to 7.9GB during the first 128GB but hasn't
moved much since - the operation is at 748GB ipos and errsize is now
at 8.1GB. If I can continue to get the same rescue to errsize ratio
that I currently get out of it for the rest of the rescue, this would
suggest that I might end up at 10GB lost to error.

Of course - I only see this process right now, I have no experience
with fsck'ing rescued images and whether those errors end up wrecking

What I did notice is that readout seems to be slowing down again - it
was at over 100kb/s for two days but this has gone down yesterday:

GNU ddrescue 1.18-pre7
Initial status (read from logfile)
rescued:     1757 GB,  errsize:   8071 MB,  errors:   77429
Current status
rescued:     1764 GB,  errsize:   8111 MB,  current rate:        0 B/s
    ipos:   713673 MB,   errors:   87250,    average rate:    83757 B/s
    opos:   713673 MB, run time:   23.65 h,  successful read:   11.03 m ago

GNU ddrescue 1.18-pre7
rescued:     1764 GB,  errsize:   8111 MB,  errors:   87250
Current status
rescued:     1766 GB,  errsize:   8123 MB,  current rate:        0 B/s
    ipos:   745794 MB,   errors:   90348,    average rate:    62385 B/s
    opos:   745794 MB, run time:    7.70 h,  successful read:    2.11 m ago

...and it seems a lot more common that successful reads are more than
10 minutes apart. So that really does start to seem rather

As for reading it backwards: Can I even do that at this stage in the process?


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Scott Dwyer <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi David,

I have looked at your logfile, and you may be in for a rougher recovery than
I was expecting. I also had a sort of awakening about the appearance of the
spiral pattern in ddrescueview.

After absorbing information from the earlier reply from Franc Zabkar about
how the disk will read sections of tracks from one surface (head) before
moving on to the next, I believe that I was totally wrong about the visual
pattern. I now believe that all the red problem area is actually all from
one head. In your case just by the visual reference, it would appear that
there are 4 heads (2 platters). This is assumed by the visual ratio of good
to bad (3 good to 1 bad). The other logs I have seen like this were more
50/50 (2 heads / single platter). The reason it looks sort of spiral is
because of the density difference of information per track from the outside
to the inside of the disk (outside is bigger and holds more information per
track). The first track is on the outside, and the last track is on the

There seems to be one thing in common from the logfiles I have seen. The
data towards the inside of the disk seems to be less prone to errors (easier
to read because the data is going past the head slower?) Unfortunately from
what I can see from your logfile, the data towards the outside is really bad
with no noticeable recovered data. It doesn't start to show any promise
until it gets farther in. Sorry for that news after possibly getting your
hopes up. Guess I should learn to see the logfile before making predictions.

And you are correct that ddrutility will not help you. The only part of it
that works with linux ext3 filesystems is the findbad bash script to find
what files are affected. It won't work on damaged filesystems, and even if
it did, it could take days or weeks (or longer) to complete on a recovery
that has a large error size like you are likely to end up with.

I just had a thought. Based on the pattern that I have seen, I wonder if it
would be more productive to read backwards from the end, since it seems to
be more likely to produce recovered data quicker. Something to think


On 2/4/2014 7:47 PM, David Deutsch wrote:
Hi Scott,

Wow, no, I did not see that at all! Sorry for seemingly ignoring you
for days, now. Not sure whether it's my gmail account or something...
Weird. Probably because I messed up my replies in the beginning.

(replying to the points raised in that email since they also answer
your current questions)

Both finished logs showed something interesting, in that there were many
small errors in what could almost be considered a spiral pattern
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly the thing with my drive - it seems
like all bad sectors found are 512 Bytes.

The fun part was that the filesystem (it was an NTFS disk) was so messed
up that nothing would mount it
Maybe I got lucky there since I was using ext3.

even testdisk failed to find a large portion of the files. So be prepared
to use something more robust than testdisk (like R-Studio) if you go through
with the rest of the recovery.
Yeah, that really is the scary part - Since we're talking about 1TB of
DSLR files (.JPG, .MOV) and music (flac, mp3) each, I would really
like to see this mounted. I have 'rescued' a number of disks for other
people and losing all the nice meta-data (directories etc.) would
be... quite a bummer. The music stuff I would probably just have to
redo from my CD collection... *sigh*

>From what I understand that is mostly about your case, rescuing ntfs
partitions? Or would it help in my case as well?

Third, I am interested in a copy of your logfile if possible. Actually I
would like the first one you sent to Antonio if you still have it, and also
your current one.
Sure thing. Will send them along in a separate message.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Scott Dwyer <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi David,

First, did you see my reply with my 2 cents? It contained some info (my
opinion) as to what might have happened to your drive, and what you might
expect (from my experience). I only replied to the bug list, so if you
not see it then you will have to look into the archives which can be
through the ddrescue page.

Second, while errors are skipped, every error takes time to process,
by the drive itself and then that is multiplied by any op system retries
(from what I can tell in linux from observation, it is about 15 retries
normally, or 5 retries using the direct option). So if the drive takes 3
seconds per error, then it would take 15 seconds with the direct option
process the error, or 45 seconds without the direct option. I used 3
for the drive as that is about an average from a few drives I have seen,
that is dependent on the drive itself. Doing a little math on that means
that at 15 seconds per error, you could process about 5760 errors per
And you are going to have a LOT of errors by the looks of it, so you are
for a long recovery. But don't be too discouraged just yet. You will have
many errors spread all over, but there is still a chance that you will
up with 99% of good sectors vs bad, not to say that file recovery will be
easy when done. What file system is this? Is is NTFS? What type of files
will you be trying to recover?

Third, I am interested in a copy of your logfile if possible. Actually I
would like the first one you sent to Antonio if you still have it, and
your current one.


On 2/3/2014 5:00 PM, David Deutsch wrote:
Close to breaking 1750GB, too. I think this kills the "1/8 of the disc
is dead" idea, ie. one platter/side or read head being dead. Still
curious what could produce such a regular error, though. Particularly
across the entire space of the disc. Or maybe I just have no frigging
clue how hard discs werk (I really don't).

Reading still progresses in a steady pace in general, although it's
kind of weird: It only reads every two to three minutes, sometimes up
to ten. Not sure whether that is the drive hardware failing more, in
general (though speeds improving would say otherwise) or just the
general issue with bad sectors. Then again: Shouldn't it just skip
past those? Or are the sectors around the bad ones just hard to get
anything out of?

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