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Re: ls: avoiding error msg on non-existant file

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: ls: avoiding error msg on non-existant file
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 16:10:25 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Karl O. Pinc <address@hidden> [2002-11-22 11:22:05 -0600]:
> >> if [ ! -e . ] ; then ls pattern ; fi
> if [ -s . ] ; then ls pattern ; fi
> Don't know what I was thinking.

You know how sometimes you say something and you know it is wrong but
other people just don't let it go by?  This is one of those.  :-)
Sorry but won't -s . always be true since . is a non-zero sized file
because all directories contain . and .. in them?

And concerning your previous problem I really wanted to contribute
more to it.  But I was only reading it at a 50% comprehension level.
But it seems that you have solved your problem already.


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