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CMake builds :)

From: Kuba Sunderland-Ober
Subject: CMake builds :)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:57:47 -0500

In NEWS from 2021, there is
"The CMake infrastructure has been removed. In the five years it was in
the tree, nobody used it, and it was not updated.".

>  nobody used it

Ahem :) I would have used it if I had read those NEWS before writing a new
CMakeFile for gawk 5.3.0 :)

There are various projects that need gawk to generate source files - gcc is
one of them. Building those under Windows is easy if gawk and a couple
other tools like flex and bison are included in the build, and are built

Most gnu tools are so small that compiling them takes very little time, so
is very much feasible. The typical use case is building complete software
packages, with build-time dependencies, using MS Visual Studio.

In particular, I've ported sdcc's build system to cmake, and it uses
"native" cmake build script, gcc's preprocessor (I wrote cmake support for
and gawk (yep, wrote CMakeLists for that too).

Unfortunately, since autotools-based builds seem to have to remain in
it's unlikely that re-adding this would be considered productive?

I've now found a 5.1.0 fork at https://github.com/mbuilov/gawk-windows that
includes lots of other changes, and I don't care much for those.

I will push my work to github - it's minimal but good enough to target
using gawk and mingw.

Cheers, Kuba

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