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Re: awk inplace overrides symlinks

From: arnold
Subject: Re: awk inplace overrides symlinks
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 10:26:27 -0700
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.5 7/5/10

I think I'm convinced to leave things alone.  Perhaps it'd
make sense to add a few words in the manual and in the man page.

Tim, would you care to submit a patch here?



Tim Rice <trice@posteo.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> >so maybe there's something to be said for consistency across the various
> >tools?
> I agree with this, and there are a couple more arguments in favor of keeping 
> the current behavior:
> * There could be more than one symlink to the same file, and it isn't clear 
> that changing the data at one location implies we want it changed everywhere. 
> Anyone who is sure that they want to make a universal change can use 
> `realpath /path/to/link | xargs awk -i inplace '{...}'` or so. I tested this 
> and it works fine.
> * People may already rely on the current behavior. For them, this would be a 
> breaking change. Of course there is a place in the world for introducing 
> backwards incompatible changes, when there are strong arguments for it. 
> However, the other points about consistency with sed and the ability to 
> include realpath in a pipeline weaken arguments for changing the current 
> behavior.
> ~ Tim

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