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[bug-gettext] categories in bug tracker

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: [bug-gettext] categories in bug tracker
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:44:19 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.8.5 (Linux/3.8.0-44-generic; KDE/4.8.5; x86_64; ; )


The bugs in our bug tracker https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gettext
can now be assigned to one of several "categories". The categories that I
defined are:

Build                   Compilation errors and warnings
End-user / runtime      End user experience, libintl
Translator tools        Tools meant for use by translators
Plural forms            Plural forms specified by translators
PO mode                 Emacs PO mode
Programmer tools        Tools meant for use by programmers
Programmer interface    Issues with header files or with linking
AppData                 AppData files
Awk                     Awk language support
C                       C language family (C, C++, ObjectiveC, GCC-source) 
C#                      C# language support
Desktop                 .desktop files
Elisp                   Emacs Lisp language support
Glade                   GNOME Glade files
GSettings               GNOME user configuration files
Java                    Java language support
Java .properties        Java .properties files
JavaScript              JavaScript language support
librep                  librep language support
Lisp                    Lisp language support
Lua                     Lua language support
NXStringTable           NXStringTable files
Perl                    Perl language support
PHP                     PHP language support
PO, POT                 .po, .pot files
Python                  Python language support
RST                     Resource String Table files
Scheme                  Scheme language support
Shell                   sh or bash language support
Smalltalk               Smalltalk language support
Tcl                     Tcl language support
Vala                    Vala language support
XML                     XML files, ITS rules
YCP                     YCP language support
Examples                Issues with the examples
Doc                     Documentation issues
Other                   None of the specific categories applies

To make use of these categories when browsing through the list of bugs:
- Go to https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gettext
- Click on "Display Criteria"
- Select: Browse with the *Advanced* query form and *Simple* selection.
- Click on "Apply".
- Either sort by Category (by clicking on the table header), or filter by
  Category (in the "Display Criteria" form).

I did this because I find it comfortable to work on a group of bugs in the
same area at once, and because some categories of bugs have higher priority
than others. Maybe you feel the same way...


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