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Re: More verbosity

From: c . buhtz
Subject: Re: More verbosity
Date: Fri, 05 May 2023 20:27:42 +0000

Dear Bruno,

thanks for the reply to my bug-/feature-report.

Am 05.05.2023 19:53 schrieb Bruno Haible:
My primary problem is that xgettext doesn't tell me (on stdout) which
source files it reads.

There is no particular message that gets printed for each file
that gets read. But...

Yes I know. That is why I reported this to request a feature for this. I would assume that in first or second verbosity level informations like this do appear on stdout.

The "--verbose" has no effect. No output is generated. Why then does
this option exist?

It has an effect for the extraction from Ruby source files.

Then take this as a bug about the manpage. It is not mentioned there.
Mention that verbosity only works for ruby files.

The manpage tell me that "--verbose" does "increase verbosity level".
What is the limit of that level? Can I do "-vvvvvvvv"? Where is the

The variable that counts the number of 'v' is an 'int'.

Are you serious with your answer?

Please try to be more empathic to your users. As such I would like to know how verbose your software can be. How many levels are there and what is the difference.

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