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[bug-GIFT] get inside now Low-risk opportunity for tomorrow

From: conestoga
Subject: [bug-GIFT] get inside now Low-risk opportunity for tomorrow
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:09:06 -0400

H ot sto ck ale rt - IN FX. PK
Al ert - breaking ma rket ne ws report - IN FX. PK

Compan y name: Infine x Ve ntures, In c.
Lookup: IN FX .PK
Cu rrent P rice: $.65
Expected: This one is going to grow at a rapid rate.

In finex Vent ures, In c. (OT CBB: I NFX) ("the Comp any") is pleased to 
announce that it is in negotiations to acquire an interest in the Boliv ar 
Prope rty located on Tex ada I sland, B ritish Columbi a, Can ada. The Property 
consists of 23 adjacent mineral claims and 2 crown grants centered 
approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 km) west of the town of Vananda, B.C. Previous 
drilling programs have outlined a significant resource with a high 
concentration of go ld. One dia mond drill hole across the zone returned a 
one-foot (0.3 m) intersection assaying 20.84 oz/ton Gol d (714.5 g/t Go ld).

Trenching, di amond drilling and bul k test sampling of the Bolivar depos it 
has revealed numerous spectacular "streaks and stringers" of free go ld in 
graphitic shear zones. As per Assessment Report 16702, a 1734 tonne bu lk 
sample from the Bolivar pit returned a total of 1031.14 grams of gol d. 
Infinex's pending acquisition of the B olivar Pro perty is a strategic one 
that, along with the Comp any's interest in the Yew Property, will provide it 
with control of a substantial portion of the m ining properties and reserves on 
T exada Is land. Infinex intends to finalize this acquisition by the end of 
septe mber.

On Behalf of the Board Infinex Ventures Inc. Michael De Rosa, President

W atch this sto ck go higher and higher

Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals 
and e vents may be seen as only foward looking and nothing else. All info 
rmation inside this emai l pertaining to any sort of finan cial advice need to 
be understood as just informatio n and not any real advice. None of the infor 
mation above can be constructed as any sort of finan cial advice. 
Confidentiality Statement

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