Hi Shigio san,
thanks for the wonderful global tool (esp. the
latest very fast versions). I used global and gtags.vim on Windows, and
had faced problems with the default script.
The gtags.vim script only worked on windows if I changed the following line:
let stuff = system(cmd . '>' . tmpfile)
let stuff = system(cmd . '| tee ' . tmpfile)
Now, that of course, requires tee.exe (from cygwin or ming32) but works well.
change I did (since the default global format is wasteful in printing
the pattern search on each line) is to change the following wrt
errorformat and global cmdline.
let cmd = 'global' . sep . '-tq' . option . sep . pattern
let cmd = 'global' . sep . '--result grep -q' . option . sep . pattern
This obviates the need to change the default errorformat :-)
to speed up the script processing, I commented out all previous
execution lines from the "system" function call, and added in its place
cex! printf("Global:Searching [-%s] for [%s]", option, pattern)
caddex! system(cmd)
find my gtags.vim with the commented lines for the old method and its
change. I hope this makes gtags.vim work on windows and linux (w/o
requirement of tee.exe) and is also faster and more informative ...
Ritesh Banerjee