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[PATCH] Enhancements to global.cgi
From: |
Taisuke Yamada |
Subject: |
[PATCH] Enhancements to global.cgi |
Date: |
Tue, 27 Jul 2010 23:19:19 +0900 |
User-agent: |
Thunderbird (Windows/20100228) |
While working on Debian package of global, I learned there is
some ongoing change in global.cgi.
Since I have some use-cases that might be affected, I looked
into the code and came up with extended implementation of
global.cgi. It would be nice if you consider merging.
Attached script has following changes:
=== What's added ===
- In addition to "sitekey" file, it also looks for subdir under
configured search path. This will simplify setup as you just
need to add parent folder once in search path. After that,
no configuration is needed regardless of how many projects you index.
- Supports multiple search path for sitekey/subdir lookup.
- Runs under server-less mode, which several CLI web browsers
supports (AFAIK, w3m/lynx/elinks supports this mode, though I
only tested with w3m). This means you can browse/search
HTML-ized source code without running a server.
- Better support for bookmark and remote links even under system-
wide CGI mode. It used to break as these links never come with
proper Referer: URL.
=== What's missing ===
- Generated HTML is still somewhat lacking.
Best Regards,
Taisuke Yamada
# -*- mode: perl; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
=head1 NAME
global.cgi - Web frontend to source-code index created by gtags/htags.
# when running as system-wide shared CGI (uses id= to select index to show)
# when running as per-project CGI
# when running under serverless mode (example with w3m)
HTAGS_DIR=$(global -p)/HTML \
w3m -o cgi_bin=/dir/where/global.cgi/resides $(global -p)/HTML/index.html
This script provides Web interface for the GNU Global source code
tag system.
For most cases, you'd probably want to start using in "per-project"
$ cd /path/to/project
$ gtags -v
$ htags -Df --suggest
$ ls
... HTML/ ...
$ ls HTML/cgi-bin/
global.cgi index.html
With this setup, all related files go under HTML/ folder. After
running htags(1), configure server so HTML/ folder can be accessed
over the Web.
will be the starting page.
Althrough htags(1) prepares appropriate HTML/.htaccess automatically,
some tweaks may be needed for extra features. Following is a sample
configuration that works with both compressed/uncompressed setup:
Options +ExecCGI +MultiViews
DirectoryIndex index
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddType text/html .ghtml
AddEncoding x-gzip .ghtml
<Files *.html.gz>
ForceType text/html
Make sure your web server permits you from defining these
in .htaccess (see: AllowOverride in httpd.conf).
=head1 NOTE
This script tries not to depend on 3rd party modules, and uses
only modules bundled with Perl itself.
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use IPC::Open3 qw(open3);
use English;
use IO::File;
use strict;
use warnings;
# external parameter(s) in configuration
eval {
my $opts = parse_option($ENV{QUERY_STRING});
my $conf = setup_config($opts);
my $prog = spawn_global($conf) || die "Failed to spawn global";
my @buff = (gets($prog), gets($prog));
showpage($conf, "Pattern not found") unless $buff[0]; # no result
redirect(makelink($conf, $buff[0])) unless $buff[1]; # just one result
print_header($conf, html_escape("search result for $opts->{pattern}"));
print "<h1 class='title'>" . html_escape($opts->{pattern}) . "</h1>\n";
print "<hr/>";
while ($_ = shift(@buff) || gets($prog)) {
my $link = makelink($conf, $_);
next unless s/^\d+\s+([^\s]+)//o;
printf(<<EOF, $link, html_escape($1), html_escape($_));
<span class='curline'><a href='%s'>%s</a>%s</span>
showpage({}, "[ERROR] Execution failed", $@) if $@; # error handler
# functions
## for debugging
sub dumpenv {
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
print "=== ENV ===\n";
foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
print "$_=$ENV{$_}\n";
## return CGI query as hash table
sub parse_option {
my @args = split(/[;&]/, shift);
my $opts = {};
foreach (@args) {
my($name, $value) = map { uri_decode($_, 1) } split(/=/, $_, 2);
$opts->{$name} = $value; # NOTE: multi-args overwritten for now
## Determines and creates run-time configuration.
## All important parameter is set in this function.
sub setup_config {
my $opts = shift;
my $conf = { opts => $opts };
# load external configuration
foreach ("/etc/gtags/htmake.conf",
"/etc/global/web.conf", "$ENV{HOME}/.global/web.conf") {
do $_ if -f $_;
# various fallback defaults
$opts->{pattern} ||= "main";
$conf->{GLOBAL} ||= "/usr/bin/global";
$conf->{DOCDIR} ||= "HTML"; # default name for "HTML" folder
# Find "HTML" folder path and "base URL" to it.
# Because there're several ways to run this script, it's not
# always possible to find these reliably. Current code tries to
# cover following 3 use-cases:
# 1. System-wide CGI mode (ex. "/cgi-bin/global.cgi?id=...&...")
# 2. Per-project CGI mode (ex. "/dir/HTML/cgi-bin/global.cgi?...")
# 3. Server-less CGI mode (local execution by several CLI-browsers)
# By overriding HTAGS_DIR/HTAGS_URL, you can directly control this
# behavior. How and where to override is up to the user.
$conf->{HTAGS_DIR} = $ENV{HTAGS_DIR} || find_htags_dir($conf);
$conf->{HTAGS_URL} = $ENV{HTAGS_URL} || find_htags_url($conf);
# GTAGSROOT defines "base dir" of project source tree
$ENV{GTAGSROOT} = gets(IO::File->new("$conf->{HTAGS_DIR}/GTAGSROOT"))
if -f "$conf->{HTAGS_DIR}/GTAGSROOT";
# select default suffix by compression mode
$conf->{SUFFIX} = -s "$conf->{HTAGS_DIR}/compress" ? 'ghtml' : 'html';
## Returns absolute path of HTML/ folder to use.
sub find_htags_dir {
my $conf = shift;
my $opts = $conf->{opts};
# find dir with named key in search path
if ($opts->{id}) {
die "Invalid key: id. Should not use path-like string."
if $opts->{id} =~ m!(/|\.\.)!;
foreach (split(/:/, $GSPATHDATA)) {
return "$_/$opts->{id}/$conf->{DOCDIR}"
if -d "$_/$opts->{id}/$conf->{DOCDIR}";
return gets(IO::File->new("$_/$opts->{id}"))
if -f "$_/$opts->{id}";
# assume to run as per-project "<src>/<HTML>/cgi-bin/global.cgi"
return abs_path("..");
## Returns base URL (absolute or path-absolute) to use for
## redirection and linking generated contents.
sub find_htags_url {
my $conf = shift;
my $opts = $conf->{opts};
# If explicitly specified, use it.
return gets(IO::File->new("$conf->{HTAGS_DIR}/HTAGS_URL"))
if -f "$conf->{HTAGS_DIR}/HTAGS_URL";
# This should cover most "per-project CGI" usecase...
return "$PREMATCH/$1/$2"
if $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ m|/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/cgi-bin/global.cgi\b|;
# Try determining from "Referer:".
# Precedence was lowered from prior version as depending on
# Referer: header breaks remote links and bookmarks.
my $url;
if ($url = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} && $ENV{HTTP_HOST} &&
$url =~ m!^https?://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}!) { # quick validity check
$url =~ s!(/(S|defines))?/[^/]+$!!; # strip subdir/file part
return $url;
# All else failed. Assume it is running under server-less mode, and
# fallback to local path. Obviously, this never works for HTTP(S)...
## invoke global(1) in right folder with given options
sub spawn_global {
my $conf = shift;
my $opts = $conf->{opts};
my @prog = ($conf->{GLOBAL}, '--result=ctags-xid');
push(@prog, '-i') if $opts->{icase};
push(@prog, '-o') if $opts->{other};
push(@prog, '-r') if $opts->{type} eq 'reference';
push(@prog, '-s') if $opts->{type} eq 'symbol';
push(@prog, '-P') if $opts->{type} eq 'path';
push(@prog, '-g') if $opts->{type} eq 'grep';
push(@prog, '-I') if $opts->{type} eq 'idutils';
push(@prog, '-e', $opts->{pattern}) if $opts->{pattern};
# adjust environment so global(1) can generate correct relative path
chdir($conf->{HTAGS_DIR}) || die "Missing HTAGS_DIR";
chdir($ENV{GTAGSROOT} || abs_path("..")) || die "Missing GTAGSROOT";
# FIXME: needs some cleanup
my($wio, $rio, $eio, $err);
open3($wio, $rio, $eio = gensym, @prog);
die $err if $err = join("", $eio->getlines);
sub gets {
chomp($_ = readline($_[0])); $_;
sub uri_decode {
my($arg, $is_query) = @_;
$arg =~ tr/+/ / if $is_query;
$arg =~ s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/egi;
sub uri_encode {
my $arg = shift;
$arg =~ s!([^-./\w])!printf("%%%.2x", ord($1))!eg;
sub html_escape {
my $arg = shift;
my %map = ('&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>');
$arg =~ s/([&<>])/$map{$1}/ge;
## convert global(1) output into URL
sub makelink {
my($conf, $arg) = @_;
my($fid, $tag, $lno, $filename) = split(/\s+/, $arg);
sub redirect {
print "Location: $_[0]\n\n"; exit(0);
sub showpage {
my($conf, $title, $message) = @_;
$message ||= $title;
print_header($conf, $title);
print <<EOF;
=== global.cgi returned following result ===
sub print_header {
my($conf, $title) = @_;
print <<EOF;
Content-Type: text/html
<title>global - $title</title>
<meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow' />
<meta name='generator' content='GLOBAL' />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$conf->{HTAGS_URL}/style.css' />
sub print_footer {
my($conf) = @_;
print <<EOF;
<hr />
<a href='$conf->{HTAGS_URL}/mains.$conf->{SUFFIX}'>[return]</a>
- [PATCH] Enhancements to global.cgi,
Taisuke Yamada <=