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Re: C++ scoping of cross-reference?

From: Iain Woolf
Subject: Re: C++ scoping of cross-reference?
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 13:53:39 -0400
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On 03/29/2011 09:07 AM, Shigio YAMAGUCHI wrote:
>> Thanks Shigio. I would like to suggest that global/gtags be extended to
>> support this functionality. Would that be possible?
> What specification are you thinking?
> --
> Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden>

I was thinking something along the lines of the class-qualified tag like
in exuberant c-tags (--extra=+q).

>From the ctags man page:

            Specifies whether to include extra tag entries for certain
kinds of information. The parameter flags is a set  of  one-letter 
flags,  each
            representing one kind of extra tag entry to include in the
tag file. If flags is preceded by by either the '+' or '-' character,
the effect
            of each flag is added to, or removed from, those currently
enabled; otherwise the flags replace any current settings. The meaning 
of  each
            flag is as follows:

               f   Include an entry for the base file name of every
source file (e.g.  "example.c"), which addresses the first line of the file.

               q   Include  an  extra  class-qualified tag entry for
each tag which is a member of a class (for languages for which this
information is
                   extracted; currently C++, Eiffel, and Java). The
actual form of the qualified tag depends upon the language from which
the  tag  was
                   derived  (using  a  form  that  is  most  natural for
how qualified calls are specified in the language). For C++, it is in
the form
                   "class::member"; for Eiffel and Java, it is in the
form "class.member". This may allow easier location of a specific tags
when  mul-
                   tiple  occurrances  of a tag name occur in the tag
file. Note, however, that this could potentially more than double the
size of the
                   tag file.

This would provide class-qualifier definitions. When searching for a
definition, I would like to be able to optionally specify the class
qualifier. For example, consider:

class A
  virtual void dump();

class B1 : public A
  virtual void dump();

class B2 : public B
  virtual void dump();

class C : public A
  virtual void dump();

If searching with "global -a dump" I would expect to see all of A::dump,
B1::dump, B2::dump, C::dump in the output. Alternatively, it should be
possible to search for "global -a B2::dump".

Hopefully this could be extended to include references to class specific
methods, e.g. "global -r B2::dump". However I realize that determining
these kinds of references would likely be a lot harder.

What do you think?

Iain Woolf              W-CDMA Base Software, Alcatel-Lucent
Tel: 613-784-3465 / OnNET 2-825-3465
IM: iwoolf (im.ca.alcatel-lucent.com) / i_woolf (YahooIM)

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