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Re: Global --match-part option

From: Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Subject: Re: Global --match-part option
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 00:02:19 +0900

I'm happy that you're enjoying Global.

> I noticed that global --match-part option doesn't seem to work.

It depends on actual file name.
In the following example, the result is always the same.

[Example 1]


$ global -cPM --match-part=first sys
sys/i386/test.c                         # [sys]/i386/test.c
$ global -cPM --match-part=last sys
sys/i386/test.c                         # [sys]/i386/test.c
$ global -cPM --match-part=all sys
sys/i386/test.c                         # [sys]/i386/test.c

On the other hand, in the following example, three 'sys'
appear in the project.

[Example 2]


The result will be as follows.

$ global -cPM --match-part=first sys
sys/i386sys/sys.c                       # [sys]/i386sys/sys.c
$ global -cPM --match-part=last sys
sys.c                                   # sys/i386sys/[sys].c
$ global -cPM --match-part=all sys
sys.c                                   # sys/i386sys/[sys].c
sys/i386sys/sys.c                       # [sys]/i386sys/sys.c
sys/sys.c                               # sys/i386[sys]/sys.c


2015-01-27 21:40 GMT+09:00 Pavel Nedev <address@hidden>:

First I'd like to thank you for the great tool you have created. As a C/C++ developer I'm using it extensively and I find it really, really helpful.
I have created plugin for Notepad++ that is a front-end to GTags (Win32 port) and during its testing I noticed that global --match-part option doesn't seem to work.
I also tried it with the native global binary (6.3.3 on Linux) but the behavior is the same.
It appears that --match-part option does not have any effect on the command output.
For example, I'm running

global --match-part first -cPM int

and it has exactly the same output as

global --match-part all -cPM int

That is, it outputs files that match "int" in the middle of the name. --match-part last also doesn't have any effect.

Thank you and Best Regards,

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Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden>
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